S.V Condesa Del Mar

23 meter Herreshoff Schooner built in Wilmington Boat Yard California 1970 onwards. Fit out completed mid 1990's. Mark and Jenny Gaskell purchased Condesa November 2011 and crossed the Pacific Ocean in 2012.

08 November 2024 | The Sandy Straits
05 November 2024 | East Coast Qld
01 November 2024 | Lady Musgrave Island
24 October 2024 | Long beach GK
14 October 2024 | Great Keppel Island
05 October 2024 | Barcaldine
27 September 2024 | Queensland coastline
19 September 2024 | The Sandy Straits
11 September 2024 | The Coral Sea off the Sunshine Coast
25 October 2023 | Keppel Bay Marina
19 October 2023 | Rescue Bay -Middle Percy Island
13 October 2023 | Hamilton Island
30 September 2023 | Wide bay Bar
06 September 2023 | Brisbane australia
24 August 2023 | The Panama Canal
19 August 2023 | Linton Bay PanamΓ‘
11 August 2023 | Bonaire
07 August 2023 | Bonaire par of the king do of the Netherlands
01 August 2023 | Dominica
26 July 2023 | Antigua, West Indies

Ol Mates

26 August 2021
Jenny Gaskell | Shorts n Tee weather onland
Thankyou Townsville, such unique landscape, stunning architecture and very friendly locals. You delivered on many levels. I was extremely sad to see your CBD retail barely hanging in. On the other hand the restaurants, whale watching ventures, cafes/ ice cream shops 😁, marinas were all full. Makes us so happy for the thriving businesses we saw from our dock.
You can't say I didn't try to support the local business, however the gentleman behind the counter where the town folk of yesteryear could be outfitted, was not keen to part with any stock. The door was open, and once I signed in at the counter - as instructed, ol' mate made mention that I could only shop from outside the window. 😳 Thought he was kidding me, but alias he definitely wasn't. Thoughout the long slow walk out, I kept my eye on the linen shirts scanning their perfectness at close range. I then pressed my nose to the window to see what else was within the dimly lit store I loved, until I realised how bazaar it all was.
I pined over what I could see but by abiding to the do-not-touch Jack Smith & Co rule, he was not having a bar of unpinning the folded shirt for me to view either, unless oh course I was definitely going to purchase. βš–οΈ
Anyhooo, we had a lovely stay, meeting up with many old friends and relatives, plus the new friends we made on our walks along the dock.
Even our last stop at the Breakwater marina fuel wharf, I met a delightful lady who asked about our boat length whilst I stood observing He Who Hums do the "blue jobs".
As it turned out she was the owner of the beautiful, equally big vessel named 'Poseidon', advising me it meant - God of the Sea. I mentioned we had admired her when she arrived. And so she then added, the name also means -The keeper of all boat names. πŸ˜‘πŸ™ŒπŸ» I liked that! She told me they didn't own a bow thruster either, hence her interest in the access to the wharf we were standing. We bantered on overseeing He who Hums do the refuelling. I replied - 'Condesa' into the wind as we stood side by side. I then elaborated, 'Actually, her real name is La Condesa del Mar' - sensing she may want to know more. I also chipped in the translation - The Countess of the SeaπŸ˜†. My new friend seemed suitably impressed and went on to ask about our onward journey.
What I know is this. The next time we see Poseidon, (The Keeper of Condesa's name), we will meet up like old friends, be it 4 days or 4 years from now.
We parted ways, knowing we were connected by the degree of difficulty in manoeuvring our vessels. Poseidon, due to refuel sounded like she was about a 6/10 degree of difficulty, as she mentioned her twin engines certainly made things easier. As for 'The Countess?'... Well being the princess she is, let's just say an 8 /10 πŸ€”. Condesa's single engine and lengthy bow sprit requires skill (or πŸ€ ⚽️) for most fuelling stations. Unless there is zero wind and tide in which case I could bring her in.πŸ˜†
So, I guess we can double the friend stakes, minus one, πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ poor ol Jack the retailer with an interesting sales technique.
I/we have become fond of some vessels (and shops) without even knowing the owners. However, it is always preferable to meet the face behind the name πŸ”. In saying, I realise we didn't exchange names before departing the fuel dock! Oh well our vessels had been befriended and that's all it takes for a sundowner invitation onboard either ship in the future.
Vessel Name: La Condesa Del Mar
Vessel Make/Model: Herreshoff Schooner 73 ft
Hailing Port: Southport Brisbane Australia
Crew: Mark & Jenny Gaskell
Boat and water lovers from the east coast of Queensland. Both Mark and Jenny enjoyed an upbringing holidaying on the beautiful beaches of the Gold Coast where the smell of the ocean is ingrained at a young age. The passion grew with each vessel large and small over the years. [...]
Extra: Having conquered the east coast of Queensland Australia the biggest challenge and adventure was crossing the Pacific ocean in 2012 just months after purchasing. Leaving La Paz Mexico in March 2012 reaching for Australian waters October 2012. We love the simplicity and beauty of being live-aboards.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/svcondesa
La Condesa Del Mar's Photos - Main
The return to our favourite spot in the Percy group. Two days was not enough but we will return 🀩
1 Photo
Created 5 July 2021
The surprise week with the kids in Musket Cove
38 Photos
Created 18 September 2012
Throughout Fiji Islands
20 Photos
Created 12 September 2012
Our Puddle Jump Celebrations on Moorea Island
20 Photos
Created 12 September 2012
Discovering Tahiti and family come to visit Condesa
20 Photos
Created 3 September 2012
This little escapade was one of my favorites maybe it was the great company we had
16 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
This is the river discovery as inthe blog Free Falling
19 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
Our stint in the remote beauty of Suwarrow
26 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
Our trek deep into the Cascades on Nuku Hiva
20 Photos
Created 18 June 2012
21 days at sea
22 Photos
Created 18 June 2012
Day 21 onwards !
3 Photos
Created 14 May 2012
Here are files of photos from purchase to preparation for the Puddle Jump
20 Photos
Created 12 April 2012
Captured as we worked
28 Photos
Created 12 April 2012
Our 6 weeks in La PAz we have has a ball and celebrated with the locals and the fleet. We have worked hard and will reep the rewards at sea.
22 Photos
Created 11 April 2012
When out and about I snapped a few styles of homes and buildings - enjoy
26 Photos
Created 4 April 2012
The word "carnaval". The general consensus is that it evolved during the middle ages, as part of the Roman Catholic ritual of lent. I hear it concludes on 'Fat Tuesday'???
20 Photos
Created 16 March 2012
The journey south from Guaymas to La Paz
20 Photos
Created 16 March 2012
From Day 1 - Day 7 The preparation to launch La Condesa Del Mar to sail the Sea of Cortez
18 Photos
Created 4 January 2012