S.V Condesa Del Mar

23 meter Herreshoff Schooner built in Wilmington Boat Yard California 1970 onwards. Fit out completed mid 1990's. Mark and Jenny Gaskell purchased Condesa November 2011 and crossed the Pacific Ocean in 2012.

08 November 2024 | The Sandy Straits
05 November 2024 | East Coast Qld
01 November 2024 | Lady Musgrave Island
24 October 2024 | Long beach GK
14 October 2024 | Great Keppel Island
05 October 2024 | Barcaldine
27 September 2024 | Queensland coastline
19 September 2024 | The Sandy Straits
11 September 2024 | The Coral Sea off the Sunshine Coast
25 October 2023 | Keppel Bay Marina
19 October 2023 | Rescue Bay -Middle Percy Island
13 October 2023 | Hamilton Island
30 September 2023 | Wide bay Bar
06 September 2023 | Brisbane australia
24 August 2023 | The Panama Canal
19 August 2023 | Linton Bay Panamá
11 August 2023 | Bonaire
07 August 2023 | Bonaire par of the king do of the Netherlands
01 August 2023 | Dominica
26 July 2023 | Antigua, West Indies

Story time

26 September 2021
Jenny Gaskell
Certain words should never be written in the same sentence, but here goes!
I saw a blind man with a cane walking to the dock in croc country, far North Queensland!
There you have it, how I needed to get that off my chest!
It was also that deceivingly peaceful end of day, everything appears still and quiet around here, but everyone knows reptiles lurk beneath the surface.
I was totally in my own little world on the way to the laundry for the third time, to collect the final load when something sliding from side to side at the top of the gangway gets my attention. You've got to be kidding me, this man must be off track! Did he miss the restaurant back there? Quickly analysing his right to stroll the marina to enjoy in the late afternoon like anyone else, I guess. Yet I was still listing my every concern as to why he shouldn't actually be there alone.
Not wanting to act hastily, I searched his eyes to check the degree of sight we were dealing with. He clearly hadn't adjusted his line, or his eyeballs for anything present, not that I personally needed him to, just saying. So, do I ask... stop him ...or just acknowledge the lovely day.... no weather.... heck no🤦🏻‍♀️.
With that he was passing me, I then see a woman at the top of the deck tottering from leg to leg in extreme anxiety, almost whimpering. Ok, now things have gone from bad to worse. I had let him continue with his white stick that appears to have him in the middle of the ramp and I run to her to ask if that was her husband, thinking I had worked this all out. 'No!' she stressed, in what sounded like a little girl voice. She was miniature, but quite mature, if you know what I mean. Her dishevelled grey hair was sticking out from her crooked straw hat and in her own special way she cried that she couldn't do it! What. was. I. dealing. with? Is it a full moon? My mind was racing to work out what exactly was playing out? Our dock was normally filled with routine, day to day, mix of clearly identifiable capable crew and excited and eager tourists heading straight for the charter boat of their choice. No, these people didn't seem to fit the bill. I dare not look any further afield, I had my hands full with this quirky and still squealing little lady. She, in panic told me she had to go down there. Pointing as if a monster croc was snapping behind me. 'But I'm afraid, I am 'spose to be goin on a boat soon!' Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, if she can't make the relatively wide ramp, how's the adventure up creek going to go. I wondered if they had smelling salts onboard the croc tour as they are going to need it. While she was dropping her bundle, I was dropping my basket offering to walk her. At the same time quickly scanning to see if the white cane picked up the right angle turn ahead.
Out of nowhere a dashing young man with a child in one arm, offers his free elbow, saying 'allow me'. Oh well then, while she was instantly smitten, I was relieved and they walked off into the sunset without a hitch, strangest thing I ever did see.
I headed to back to the normally mundane walk, smiling at my thinking the only thing to stir my senses that afternoon was going to be my crisp, fresh sweet smelling, warm towels.
This was 24hours ago and I'm needed again, this time by He Who Hums. We are about to enter the passage between island and reef to drop Condesa's sails and anchor for the night. All will be bedded down before sunset and we will be safe and secure. But my lesson here is that things aren't always as they appear.
I scamper up the companion way and right now it all looks as orderly as yesterday's pile of freshly folded linen.
Vessel Name: La Condesa Del Mar
Vessel Make/Model: Herreshoff Schooner 73 ft
Hailing Port: Southport Brisbane Australia
Crew: Mark & Jenny Gaskell
Boat and water lovers from the east coast of Queensland. Both Mark and Jenny enjoyed an upbringing holidaying on the beautiful beaches of the Gold Coast where the smell of the ocean is ingrained at a young age. The passion grew with each vessel large and small over the years. [...]
Extra: Having conquered the east coast of Queensland Australia the biggest challenge and adventure was crossing the Pacific ocean in 2012 just months after purchasing. Leaving La Paz Mexico in March 2012 reaching for Australian waters October 2012. We love the simplicity and beauty of being live-aboards.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/svcondesa
La Condesa Del Mar's Photos - Main
The return to our favourite spot in the Percy group. Two days was not enough but we will return 🤩
1 Photo
Created 5 July 2021
The surprise week with the kids in Musket Cove
38 Photos
Created 18 September 2012
Throughout Fiji Islands
20 Photos
Created 12 September 2012
Our Puddle Jump Celebrations on Moorea Island
20 Photos
Created 12 September 2012
Discovering Tahiti and family come to visit Condesa
20 Photos
Created 3 September 2012
This little escapade was one of my favorites maybe it was the great company we had
16 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
This is the river discovery as inthe blog Free Falling
19 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
Our stint in the remote beauty of Suwarrow
26 Photos
Created 30 August 2012
Our trek deep into the Cascades on Nuku Hiva
20 Photos
Created 18 June 2012
21 days at sea
22 Photos
Created 18 June 2012
Day 21 onwards !
3 Photos
Created 14 May 2012
Here are files of photos from purchase to preparation for the Puddle Jump
20 Photos
Created 12 April 2012
Captured as we worked
28 Photos
Created 12 April 2012
Our 6 weeks in La PAz we have has a ball and celebrated with the locals and the fleet. We have worked hard and will reep the rewards at sea.
22 Photos
Created 11 April 2012
When out and about I snapped a few styles of homes and buildings - enjoy
26 Photos
Created 4 April 2012
The word "carnaval". The general consensus is that it evolved during the middle ages, as part of the Roman Catholic ritual of lent. I hear it concludes on 'Fat Tuesday'???
20 Photos
Created 16 March 2012
The journey south from Guaymas to La Paz
20 Photos
Created 16 March 2012
From Day 1 - Day 7 The preparation to launch La Condesa Del Mar to sail the Sea of Cortez
18 Photos
Created 4 January 2012