Hello World
26 August 2016 | Venice, Florida
Shawn Middleton / Ominous

As of 07:00 08/26/2016 Carly and I are now owners of the S/V Cyana. That means we are now simultaneously boat owners and home owners. Shame we still have to pay rent. (if we like having electricity and fresh water) I will have to correct this condition. She is a Gemini 105 MC in excellent condition. http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=5371
On a side note to anyone interested I welcome anyone PLEASE keep me in check.
Today I am loading her for her maiden voyage from Venice through the Okeechobee Waterway to Melbourne. To dispel worries an abridged list is.
-2 full sets of SCUBA gear
-my entire wardrobe
-more board games then I have right to have on a sailboat
-fishing gear
-enough medical supplies to perform amateur heart surgery
-diesel, propane, fresh water
-more tools then components aboard
-FUD (as always a high protein diet)
-sealed fresh water
If there are glaring problems with this list contact me sooner then later.
Expect future entries to be shorter. I don't want to waste your time.