Mooring in Moor(e) Haven
28 August 2016 | Moor Haven
Shawn Middleton / sunshine
We were given a smooth night in the hook. All electronic systems held up under battery. Things are starting to become secondary nature. Both fuel gauges do not indicate (this is functionally not a loss worn the dip stick) so we decided to gas up. The whole previous day only burnt $30 of diesel. At the exact marina where we gassed were three other two top competitors for the new home. Random chance is funny.
We were alone at the first lock with the exclusion of a manatee. They lock master said they use the lock like anyone else.
Smooth motoring to Moore Haven. Only appropriate for Carly's new home to meet her old. The dock in front of the town hall costs $1 per foot. Good deal but, honestly it could have been free. No one is there. We had to look around to find someone to pay.
Looks like we out ran the tropical storm. Lucky for now.