Lake O
29 August 2016 | Phipps Park Lock
Shawn Middleton / sunshine and rain
In the morning we locked out of Moore Haven with another manatee. I like to think it was the same one that joined us at the first lock.
Winds turned favorable and we took out both the mainsail and jib. We motorsailed for a while then decided to try out the screecher. While opening the sail a pin broke and she was loose. We turned windward for repairs. While doing so we took in the mainsail. Getting underway the screecher alone gave us the same speed boost as the jib and mainsail together. Screecher, motor and autopilot brought us across Lake O in no time.
Ahead we saw a storm and went to retract the screecher before it hit... Looks like our loss of the pin caused it to be unable to retract, even with our repairs. We ended up wrapping up the sail work itself manually. It looks dirty but will do for now.
Yet again we got stuck at a lock 30 min after its closing time. We moored on pilings and did a dingy drill. Works well but makes me feel heavy. When I operate it the entire front end is out of the water.
Going to be a warm night.