Roll me Profession (Sailor)!

02 October 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin
31 May 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin
26 May 2018
25 May 2018 | Treasure Cay Anchorage
24 May 2018 | Leeward Yacht Club
18 May 2018 | West End, Grand Bahama
17 May 2018 | Ft. Lauderdale Inlet
16 May 2018 | Lake Worth
15 May 2018 | Slightly North of Jupiter Inlet
14 May 2018 | Port Salerno
13 May 2018
12 May 2018
10 May 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin

Our home is a-okay! Phew...

08 October 2016
We headed for Venice. Would've been far more fun if we'd stayed, though, since we got basically no winds and it ended up being okay.

We should have trusted our hearts and the fellow liveaboards in the marina rather than everyone else telling us to flee. The people telling us to flee who 1) Are landlubbers 2) Don't live in the marina! We barely got a few feet of storm surge despite the prediction of 7-11 feet. There was a reason our guts were telling us to stay, and everyone else who lived aboard...

Based on all my downvotes on reddit for even dare breathing that I may have stayed on the boat during the storm, it seems humans are far more likely to let fear grip their hearts instead of logic. Especially our parents. I'm sure when we end up circumnavigating we're going to need to tell everyone to shut up and let us do our thing, despite how terrified they are of us dying.

So for any future sailors reading this: Trust the people most relevant to your situation over anyone else. If you've done a lot of research and are stuck on what to do with regards to your sailing life, go with your heart! It's probably right. Probably.
Vessel Name: Cyana
Vessel Make/Model: 2005 Gemini 105MC
Hailing Port: Melbourne, FL
Crew: Shawn and Carly
About: Two young nerds living on a sailboat for the first time permanently docked in Melbourne, FL with occasional island adventures.