Finally out on the boat!
23 October 2016

Yay, Bekey (my pet name for our engine) decided to work! It starts smoking when we accelerate too much so we had to go slow the whole time... But at least it didn't blow up.
It was my first time going anywhere in the boat, so I had a bit of liquid celebration! (Shawn didn't, as he is very responsible.) Running around the boat inebriated was nausea inducing, but I was fine. It was kinda fun...
We dropped anchor and dinghied to a beautiful spill island and let the dogs run around. Having two humans and two large dogs on the little dink was chaotic to say the least. Met a nice professor couple who were camping on the island. They had a babymaran! A little canoe trimaran with a sail. We invited them over but never saw them. Oh well.
Had a romantic evening gazing up at the stars from our bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. There's a cold front here right now so it was a wonderful evening to snuggle! We had a hard time getting out of bed, but eventually we dinghied to the island again to let the dogs use the bathroom and then left. And now I'm typing this blog entry! Hooray!