What the frak is up with this leak?!
03 November 2016
So after replacing the pump the AC works beautifully. The coils are cold instead of hot (meaning it's running more efficiently) and I've noticed a difference in how fast it cools the house. We might use the old pump for a bilge pump. Or something. If it even works.
We have the water back on right now because we seriously have no idea where this leak is coming from. We put blue dye in the AC water supply so we'd *know* if it was that. It is not salt water. After emptying the fresh water tanks completely and leaving it that way for a few days the hull was bone-dry...until one day, when it filled up a bit. What?
The leak is minor, but annoying. Fresh water is leaking from somewhere in this boat and we just don't know where. Aargh! Any ideas?!
Leak or no, it's still much better than renting. Our landlord from up in MD replaced the carpet and is trying to make us pay for it. They replaced it due to "stains and odors". Uh, what? That carpet was spotless thanks to Helper (the Roomba...Venture Bros anyone?), and our dogs are house trained, thanks.
Currently I'm trying to figure out how to set up our gaming battlestations on the boat. We could just suck it up and buy gaming laptops, but there's no upgradeability there. My current favorite idea is to buy a small case and transfer over every component I can from our Full ATX towers. But where do we put the monitor and keyboard? Oh, what to do.