Roll me Profession (Sailor)!

02 October 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin
31 May 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin
26 May 2018
25 May 2018 | Treasure Cay Anchorage
24 May 2018 | Leeward Yacht Club
18 May 2018 | West End, Grand Bahama
17 May 2018 | Ft. Lauderdale Inlet
16 May 2018 | Lake Worth
15 May 2018 | Slightly North of Jupiter Inlet
14 May 2018 | Port Salerno
13 May 2018
12 May 2018
10 May 2018 | Eau Gallie Yacht Basin

Thanksgiving Adventure Part 3

30 November 2016
Sorry about all the delay on this. It's been busy back at home.

So we hoist anchor in the morning after using no power, the engine starts (oh sweet stars YAAAAY) and we go on our way. We encounter a pod of dolphins and they play along our bow just before we get to Ft. Pierce.

We make it past the bridge, through the inlet, and to the Atlantic! Aaaand...I get seasick. Bluhhhh... You must keep in mind that I haven't been on boats much until relatively recently in my life. Though we had 1-2 foot waves, it is 1-2 feet more than I have ever dealt with.

Despite advice to the contrary I take regular naps through the day. I just can't stare at the horizon for that long! Shawn gets to play video games since in the Atlantic we can use autopilot.

Sometime in the afternoon I awaken from one of my naps and Shawn suggests I get in the water for a bit. Remember: Without electricity there is no water pressure, and without water shower. We put the engine on idle (but leave the sails up) and Shawn gives me a rope to hold.

Being in that beautiful ("Caribbean-like", says Shawn) cold water, holding on to a rope for dear life while the pure power of nature propels you forward was just...awe-some. As in awe inspiring. I felt the wind in our sails, I felt the wake we made just using the breeze. An unforgettable experience!

It made me feel better when I got back on board...for like 10 minutes, then it was back to napping and looking at the horizon. Bluurrgghhh
Eventually I woke up in the evening and my body had adjusted to this wave nonsense. We fiddled around with our GPS for a while before figuring out how to turn down the brightness on the damn thing, put on our running lights, plugged in the spotlight...and darkness fell upon the water.

Motored/jib-sailed until about 10:30. We stopped nearby Boyton Beach for the night. (but not after passing multiple spotlights on the water. just to kill little baby sea turtles!!! is this legal?!) Fairly uneventful and scenic, really.

The next day is where the fun begins.
Vessel Name: Cyana
Vessel Make/Model: 2005 Gemini 105MC
Hailing Port: Melbourne, FL
Crew: Shawn and Carly
About: Two young nerds living on a sailboat for the first time permanently docked in Melbourne, FL with occasional island adventures.