Honeymoon - Day 1
12 May 2018
Last night we went to a friend's house for whiskey tasting (if you're reading this Tom, thanks again for hosting!) My whiskey senses are about on the level of "tea bags are acceptable" if I were to compare with something I'm more familiar with tasting. Shawn's at the whiskey tasting level of "all tea vaguely tastes like oversteeped lipton english breakfast tea".
Anyway we had fun and it was a good mental break from stressing over all of the things we needed to do to be out today.
I woke up with a powerful headache (hooray dehydration!) and we did all the last minute things. Laundry, propane, pump out, extra diesel, properly sized liquor (Bahamas only allows 1qt per person). Also filled bottles with mead and gave them away/stored them elsewhere. We have a ton already on board - it is our HONEYMOON after all! That's where the term comes from.
Set out at 3pm, which yeah, is quite late. But sunset is at 8pm so we had a solid 5hrs of light. Made great time despite not being able to sail at all, wind almost directly on the nose, and we're a south of Palm Bay right now. Tomorrow we hope the winds do a 180 or at least a 90 or something because it would be great to actually SAIL on our sailboat.
Nothing too entertaing happened in those 5 hours, it's very familiar water to us so we just relaxed on the boat talking and enjoying music and finishing off the jello shots from the wedding. It's eating, not drinking, so totally fine. :P
Sunset was beautiful. Enjoyed it with some reheated publix soup and bread given to us by Emily and Mike at the wedding.
Nothing has broken yet, but certainly will soon. Something has to break. It's just how boat trips go. Where would the fun be if everything went well?! In the voyage itself?! Pffffttt...
Just hope whatever it is, it's not something serious.
We've figured out that we can charge our phones without running the inverter (by plugging into the 'cigarette lighters' or whatever they're called these days), so I'm going to try to update this blog at the end of every day. Our mobile plan gives us unlimited text and (2G) data in the Bahamas so I think I can do it!