Honeymoon - Day 6
17 May 2018 | Ft. Lauderdale Inlet
Carly / Cool and Overcast
Another uneventful day. But stressful! Since we had to deal with bridges.
In our little area of Florida the brides are either fixed height at 65' or on-demand bascules. But here in the south every single bridge is a "open on demand at particular times". We make some and just miss others, and every miss adds an unnecessary 30 minutes to the journey. So. Annoying. Aaaargh. We're just too slow it seems.
I feel uncomfortable keeping music on or even reading since we need to keep an ear out for the bridge operators. They speak quietly and without warning.
Our radio also happens to be annoyingly far from the helm, so I've mostly been operating it. I always feel weird talking on phones. May have something to do with how harsh guys can/used to be when they hear a girl on voice chat in video games. I worry that maybe the bridge operators might be meaner because I'm a girl. Probably not, but logic doesn't make irrationality feel better.
An amusing anecdote: upon hailing Sunrise Blvd bridge the bridge tender just shouted "SUNRIIIIISE" into the radio. Twice.
His way of speaking was generally strange and amusing.
At this point we're thinking a Bahamian crossing tomorrow morning might be viable! The winds look pretty decent and we're currently just outside of Ft. Lauderdale inlet, a good crossing point for West End. We were hoping to see other cruisers staged out in some obvious area but nope.
Was also hoping for some obvious anchoring points in the ICW near the inlet, but also nope. Currently in the Atlantic with an app alerting us if the anchor gets loose. Although after the events of a few days ago, I trust that thing pretty well.