Exumas al Last!
16 December 2016 | m/v Clarity
Finally after 3 months and way too much time spent under motor we arrived at Highborne Cay, our first stop in the Exumas. We left Nassau Thursday morning and motored 30 miles across the bank and dropped the hook off this private island resort. The only way us peons are allowed on shore is to tie up at the marina dock and pay $5 a person or spend $15 in the store. They are still calling for strong east winds for the next two days so we are tucked in close to shore in the lee of a high hill giving us good wind protection. There are 12 boats anchored in here including a couple of mega yachts, plus one boat from our marina in Mooney Bay. We snorkelled today for the first time around a few small coral heads near shore, there is a big reef that extends off the end of the island but the current is too strong today. The colours were spectacular despite the size of the reefs and we look forward to more snorkelling tomorrow.