The Bahamas Are On Fire
06 April 2017
Despite the numerous cold fronts that have passed through the islands over the past month there has been very little rain resulting in extreme dry conditions. Last week on the cruisers net there were numerous comments on the forest fires burning around the Little Harbour area that left great clouds of smoke. On Tuesday we anchored off Archer Cay with the intention of kayaking through the Mangroves. As we arrived we noticed a fair bit of smoke rising from the forest south of our position which quickly turned into a raging fire. It was an odd sight to watch a beautiful red sunset to the west while the horizon behind us was a dark red glow from the fire. Fortunately the wind stayed up enough and shifted so most of the smoke was blown away, however we still woke up to that camp fire smell and ash on the deck.
Bev and I had stopped in Archer Cay previously and wanted to take Bob and Liz kayaking in the mangroves. Peter and Cathy from Whitebird graciously loaned us their tandem kayak so we towed the two kayaks to the mouth of the grove and had a great time exploring. We were enthralled by the dozens of turtles as we paddled aimlessly through the maze of channels. Fortunately I had taken my portable chartplotter with us because when it came time to leave we couldn't find our way out. However thanks to Garmin and the ebbing tidal current we quickly found our way out and returned to Dagny for sundowners.