April Showers
24 April 2017

We have been incredibly lucky with the weather on our trip but I guess things have finally caught up with us. Whenever we were held up in the Bahamas due to windy cold fronts blowing through we would only get showers for an hour or two before the sun would shine again. However, it's not the case this week as it has been overcast with showers and heavy rain for two days and it looks like we will have another day or two before it clears. Yesterday we motor sailed 45 miles to Great Bridge VA. where there is a nice free town dock for transient boaters. Although it was a dreary day, we were amazed by the number of Osprey families we saw nesting along the way. We went through a ten mile stretch of swamp land where there was an osprey nest on every channel marker that was big enough to hold one. It was like a wildlife film as we passed within meters of the nests full of chirping babies and protective parents.
Great Bridge is the site of the first battle in the revolutionary war and they have built a wonderful little park on the waterfront for all to enjoy. After a day of relaxing and reading we plan to move to Portsmouth tomorrow where we can visit the Maritime Museum and the battleship Wisconsin.