20 February 2019
Monday was laundry day so we were on our way by 7:30 for the 20 mile sail to Blackpoint. The conditions were perfect and we took full advantage of a beautiful southerly breeze. The main sail was set as soon as the anchor was stored and we sailed in 15 knots to within a quarter of a mile from the anchorage at Blackpoint. Once Dagny was secure we headed off for an afternoon of chores, I dropped Bev at the laundry mat and headed off to get water and dispose of our trash. Each community offers whatever services they can to attract cruisers to their harbours. The town parks a trailer at the government dock for garbage disposal and for a small contribution to the local church we can dump our trash. We have tucked in close to shore for protection from the easterly trade winds that have settled in for the week. Our anchorage is very calm and close to the town dock, however, the downside is the roosters here can't tell time and frequently sound off in the middle of the night.
As I have mentioned before one of the best things about a cruising lifestyle is the new friends we make and the reunions along the way with past acquaintances. We plan on spending a few days in Blackpoint which is a bit of a cross roads as people head north and south along the island chain. We are very fortunate to have met many great people and this stopover is a perfect example of how small a world it is. Brin de Folie who was a dock mate of ours in Mooney Bay but left Lake Champlain in July of 2017 is here along Zulu another former Lake Champlain boat. We originally met Zulu in 2017 while riding out a storm in Emerald Bay and we have crossed paths with them on a few occasions. Our good friends on Sandbox and Sea Jules arrived Tuesday for a few days and plans were made for a reunion dinner last night.
Prior to dinner everyone headed to Scorpio's, who host a very popular cruiser's happy hour on Tuesdays. The gang was sitting outside exchanging stories with new and old friends while enjoying one of the famous rum punches. Just as I was thinking how lucky we are Bev said look who's coming down the road. Much to my surprise in walked Pierre Jasmin. Pierre is a dear friend from Mt. Tremblant, we knew he was in the Bahamas but we didn't expect to hook up. We have raced Etchells against each other for years and Pierre would also crew for me in outside regattas. Before Le Falco heads off to Georgetown, Pierre and his sister Danielle will join us for dinner tonight as we share another Bahamian sunset.
Today's picture is of Eyre under the rainbow