Dagny's Winter Cruise

09 February 2025
09 February 2025
01 February 2025
01 February 2025
25 January 2025
25 January 2025
20 January 2025
05 January 2025
05 January 2025
31 December 2024
26 December 2024
26 December 2024
23 December 2024
23 December 2024
21 December 2024
13 December 2024
26 November 2024
26 November 2024

Bahamas Bound At Last

23 December 2024
Allan Gray
It was still dark as we eased out of the anchorage and slowly worked our way towards the inlet. Our eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness making it easier to spot the unlit marks and thankfully traffic was light. Although one silhouette caught our eyes as a DHS rib passed us, there was no mistaking the 50 calibre machine gun mounted on the bow. We managed to catch the last of the ebb tide resulting in an easy exit from the inlet as we motored out into an almost calm ocean.

The forecast called for light and variable winds that would gradually shift north west as the day wore on. As we crossed the west wall of the gulfstream the waves never exceeded 2 feet as we settled in for the 26 hour run to Morgan's Bluff. It was obvious that this was the day everyone was waiting for, the AIS was littered with targets as the anchorages emptied out. Our ground speed took a beating for the first couple of hours as we crabbed across the west wall of the gulf stream but by mid morning the current eased and as the wind filled in a bit we motor sailed comfortably at 6 knots for the rest of the day. On previous trips commercial traffic has been fairly light with only sporadic sightings, however this trip was totally different. We saw a minimum of 2 dozen ships heading in all directions as constant scanning of the AIS was required. Twice during the evening we had to contact ships to negotiate course changes to ensure safe crossings, the closest was a 50 meter powerboat doing 21 knots. Try and judge that on a dark night on the open ocean.

After 90 miles a southerly course change took us out of the New Providence channel and into the shallow waters of the Bahamas Bank. As if on cue the winds filled in to 10-12 knots, the seas flattened and the old Westerbeke got a break. The last 60 miles was one of those sails you'll always remember, a starlight sky under a waning moon and a warm breeze as Dagny charged towards her destination. And just like 2 ships passing in the night, there were our friends on 2 Outrageous. They had departed from Ft. Lauderdale and were heading NE to the Berry Islands while we were SE to Andros and as our wakes crossed we were less than 2 miles apart.

Finally, after a great 10 hour sail we arrived off of Morgan's Bluff. As the sails were dropped, the quarantine flag was hoisted and we made our way to the anchorage. 160 miles in 26 hours. Although the Customs and Immigration staff have always been very welcoming their website leaves a lot to be desired. The Click 2 Clear program they use has been the bane of just about every cruiser who uses it. The program must be filled in and fees paid prior to arrival, like most we did this before leaving the US. Many a computer or I Pad have been at risk of going overboard as the frustration level increases. However, after 3 attempts and 2 hours we had successfully completed entry forms which then made checking in very easy.

For those of us who live in the relative comfort of North America we don't realize how difficult island life can be. The weather here the last couple of weeks has been extremely windy, normally they receive goods weekly by ship, but there hadn't been any arrivals in over 2 weeks. The Island government arranged to have one much larger ship come in with badly needed supplies as well as everyone's Christmas presents. Except, of course, those that Santa would deliver. As it happens we arrived 1 hour before the ship arrived, and although everyone was friendly and helpful it still took us 3 hours to clear all our paperwork. However, finally at noon, the quarantine flag was lowered and our new Bahamian courtesy flag was raised.

Today's picture is White Bird, Peter and Cathy's Saga 43 charging across the bank.

Vessel Name: Dagny
Vessel Make/Model: Sabre 402
Hailing Port: South Lancaster On
Crew: Allan Gray and Bev Bethune
About: Allan is a retired Montreal Air Traffic Controller and Bev is a retired Elementary School Principal.
Extra: After many years of local cruising and Etchells racing we are living our dream of sailing to the Bahamas. Allan enjoys golfing, cycling and skiing. Bev is an active cyclist, runner, aerobics participant and cross country skier.

Who: Allan Gray and Bev Bethune
Port: South Lancaster On