
30 May 2021 | Samish Bay
10 July 2010 | Bellevue, WA
09 July 2010 | Roche Harbor, WA
08 July 2010 | Otter Bay Marina, North Pender Island BC
07 July 2010 | Saltspring Island, BC
06 July 2010 | Otter Bay, North Pender Island BC Canada
05 July 2010 | Bedwell Harbour / Poet's Cove
04 July 2010 | Roche Harbor, WA
03 July 2010 | San Juan Islands

New boat! Sjöjungfrun

30 May 2021 | Samish Bay
Stefan Damstrom
After a decade plus, back on sailblogs with a new to us Catalina 400 mkii. Love it and happily spending time aboard around the Pacific Northwest.

Lots more space and amenities than our first Catalina 22. We bought her last summer as COVID19 was closing down the world. Liked the idea of a getaway and something to spend our time doing together.

More to come..

Back home

10 July 2010 | Bellevue, WA
Stefan / Summer
The next morning of the 10th started at 6 and didn't end until we docked in Belingham at nearly 5 and not home until 9. Talk about a long day.

Tides were severe in Spieden channel where we hunted for positive current right next to the shore of Mr Oakley's Speiden Island. We mananged to reach Presidents Channel after two very very annoying and trying hours. Lesson learned was to get up even earlier to avoid the massive current.

Once we were in the river of the ebb the voyage went pretty good. We decided I was having a stupid day. I managed to hoist the large orca pool float toy up the spinnaker halyard to amuse the kids but the whale had the last laugh by winding itself around the back stay, and any other standing rigging it pleased. Finally it gave way after a series of 'crazy Ivans' and flipping the main halyard at it. Very annoyed, the orca summoned that the dinghy's oars shall be confiscated in Rosario channel somewhere so we had that going for us, which is nice.

Finally met up with Dave Jr and Dave Sr. (charter owner and his father)
near the Viti Rocks south of Lumi and started the handover.

Besides the oars, the s/v Cuckoo's Nest did very well and we had a great time and are ready for the hard land and clean clothes. We look tan and happy but need a few days to acclamate to being on land.

Pics will be up on smugmug soon and videos, particularly the Orca sightings will be ready shortly too. Stand by

Back to Roche

09 July 2010 | Roche Harbor, WA
Stefan / Sunny and warm
We sailed and motored back to Roche and then the motor decided to conk out near Turn Point on Stuart Island. We were motor sailing in very idyllic conditions with some patches of wind but largley just a glassy Swanson Channel between the Penders and Stuart Island. The GPS was set the the customs dock at Roche and we were toying with all sails, dinghy's rode length etc to make us arrive by or before 8.00.

With 20 minutes to spare, the engine decided it wasn't ready to return to the San Juans or the US so protested accordingly. We sailed around 30 minutes at 3-4 knots but the math did not work out. After looking for any obvious sign of failure, we tried and the engine sputtered bag to life. We decided some fuel contamination or obstruction was responsible but it never materialized again. Math on...to the customs dock. We arrived with 5 minuts to spare and much to the annoyange to Customer Officer Morgan (?) who cleared us at the cost of our shriveled lemon and lime. Kids slept all the way to the dock.

Roche was pretty empty compared to the Mardi Gras atmosphere of the Fourth. We easily found dock space and stayed 2 days while enjoying the pool and the local restaurant.

We watched the retiring of the colors and Dylan though the cannon salute was very cool but Kai didn't :).

Liz and Bill Baxter - who we met up in Otter Bay and knew from home - met us back in Roche. Our kids played hard for hours in the large pool and then we all had dinner on the deck of Roche Harbor waterfront. We even leared to play Mexican train dominos and are now hooked.

Otter Bay Marina !

08 July 2010 | Otter Bay Marina, North Pender Island BC
Stefan / HOT HOT HOT
We decided to go back to Otter Bay after the whale sightings yesterday just because it was right there. The Orca even are rumor to come into Otter Bay on a flood tide in the afternoons to frolic and breach. Must be a sight.

We are back just to enjoy ourselves. Jess, Ben and the whole staff here are just great and make this place the "Switzerland of North Pender" and probably the Gulf Islands. Nothing like soaking up rays beside the pool.

More later!
The Crew of the s/v Cuckoo's Nest

Ganges Harbour and Montague Harbour

07 July 2010 | Saltspring Island, BC
Stefan - Hot!
We sailed along at a good 6-7 knot clip to Ganges across from Otter Bay in the morning to get ice cream and restock at the grocery store. Ganges is nice but gotta say Otter Bay left a very high bar for facilities, dock, and just general appeal.

We sailed over to Montague Bay for a few hours. Melissa and Dylan kayaked in from the north while Kai and I sailed in from the south. We could have come in from the north even though the books all said 5.3 meter max depth. We saw a few sailboats come in from the north so just FYI.

We had a big treat as we saw a whole pod (J or L pod) migrated past us. We watched for a few hours and got some great pictures. Truely a once-in-a-lifetime even to have 12 Orca Whales swim up to and under your boat.

Some say whales like sailboats for their shape underwater. Who knows, all we know is orcas are killer whales :)!

Otter Bay

06 July 2010 | Otter Bay, North Pender Island BC Canada
Stefan - Warm
We arrived in Otter Bay in the afternoon from Bedwell. Sunny sailing and mild traffic. Otter Bay was a destination Melissa and I wanted to bring our kids to when we visited here with a Bayliner some 10 years ago. It's been updated and now boasts 2 pools. Among our favourite (sp for canada) marinas in the PNW. Check their facebook page out.

We spent the day hanging out and doing basically nothing but enjoying ourselves.
Vessel Name: Sjöjungfrun
Vessel Make/Model: Catalina 400 mkii
Hailing Port: Bellevue, WA
Crew: Stefan, Melissa, Kai, Dylan
About: Stefan - 35 years +/- of sailing and plying waters between here and the Baltic. Melissa - learning to cope with being married to a sailor. Kai - name means from the sea. Dylan - name also has sea theme.
Extra: Picture above is on Borstö island in the Finnish archipelog between Finland and Åland Islands. "Borstö Gumman" as she is known is from a vessel that sank along with countless others in the area. The siren decided to float ashore after 300 years of seclution.

the Damstroms

Who: Stefan, Melissa, Kai, Dylan
Port: Bellevue, WA