The Next Adventure

Traveling the South Seas

19 November 2013 | 20 41'N:105 17'W, Paridise Village
18 November 2013 | 20 41'N:105 17'W, Paridise Village
17 November 2013 | 20 41'N:105 17'W, Paridise Village
16 November 2013 | 20 41'N:105 17'W, Paridise Village
15 November 2013 | 20 44'N:105 22'W, San Carlos
14 November 2013 | 21 09'N:105 13'W, Chacala
13 November 2013 | 21 09'N:105 13'W, Chacala
13 November 2013 | 21 19'N:105 37'W, 24 long miles from Chacala
12 November 2013 | 22 16'N:107 53'W, Nelda and Al go batty 150 miles offshore
12 November 2013 | 22 23'N:108 14'W, Sea of Cortez
10 November 2013 | 22 52'N:109 54'W, Cabo San Lucas
10 November 2013 | 22 52'N:109 54'W, Cabo San Lucas
08 November 2013 | 22 52'N:109 54'W, Cabo San Lucas
08 November 2013 | 22 52'N:109 54'W, Cabo San Lucas
06 November 2013 | 23 43'N:111 06'W, 30 miles of the Baja Coast
05 November 2013 | 24 77'N:112 25'W, Bahia Santa Maria
04 November 2013 | 24 77'N:112 25'W, Half way to Cabo
03 November 2013 | 25 12'N:114 59'W, Sixty miles off the Mexican coast.
03 November 2013 | 26 37'N:114 09'W, Beach party at Turtle Bay
01 November 2013 | 27 40'N:114 52'W, Beach party at Turtle Bay

Sailing through the Grand Canyon

25 November 2011 | 25 31'N:110 04'W, Bahia Agua Verde
Greeting from Bahia Agua Verde. Before we get started a bit of trivia today. As the son was comming up this moring Nelda and I saw a hundred or so buzzards circling. What TV show featured buzzards in almost every episode? Here are some hints, if you are under 50 jusp to the next paragraph as you will never guess. It was where Clint got his start. The finail clue is "Round'em up, move'm out -------". The country here is stark. The mountains that run through this part of the Baja are named the Sierra de la Gigantta. They certainly live up to their name. They go straight up from the Sea of Cortez. They are as similar to the Grand Canyon as anything Nelda and I have ever seen. Yesterday was an interesting day. We had originally planned to stay in San Evaristo for a couple days to let the strong North Winds blow through. When we got up there was no wind so we started North planning to motor until the wind did pick-up and then tuck in at one of the many anchorages along the way. Well, the wind never did come form the North yesterday, instead it blew from the Southeast all day and turned out to be a great day of sailing. As we pulled into Bahia Agua Verde we could see some clouds over the mountains and knowing a little about weather patterns back home Southeast winds and clouds in the Northwest add up to a cold front comming. So we prepared for a wind shift to Northwest some ti me in the night. Sure enough about 1AM the rain started and the wind turned to the Northwest. I must say we must be some type of luck charm regarding rain. This area gets less than 2" of rain in a dry year and we have had that in two weeks. The hills are turning green as the seed that lay dormant sprout, grow, seed and die in just a few weeks when they get even a little rain. We are moving on today as it looks like another good day to travel. We are not sure what the next stop will be but we will let you know. Back to the the trivia for the day, if you guessed "Rawhide" congratulations, you are as old and Nelda and me.
Vessel Name: Diamond Girl
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 393
Hailing Port: Bellingham WA
Crew: Larry, Nelda and Al
Home Page:

Mexico here we come

Who: Larry, Nelda and Al
Port: Bellingham WA