A speech from the throne: (just kidding) In June of 2010, while waiting out the hurricane season in Curacao, I started this blog. The first entry was our arrival in Curacao from the outer islands of Venezuela. I'll try to stay current with my entries, but Benno and I have since recaptured the adventures on Diesel Duck while we were on a journey around South America and up and down the Caribbean. So stay tuned and look also at
older blog entries. There are hundreds of PICTURES and many entries.
Click with your mouse " [Older] " on the bottom of the page!
If you wish to go to a particular entry, or go to the start or go to the end of the blog, use the
[contents] button on the right hand menu. It will display all entries.
PS: We have started a new blog about travel on land, please look at this new adventure under or just klick the link:
Marlene and Benno's Odysseys on Land and Water