Arrival at Puerto Amistad
15 August 2008 | Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador
From Isla Gorgona we sailed further down the coast, always hugging the coast to pick up a counter current in the lee of the land, as the prevailing wind and current would be against us. We found the sea very calm at night and at midnight Diesel Duck crossed the Equator.
On the 15th at 8:00 in the morning we were at the entrance to Bahia de Caraquez, where we anchored to await the pilot to bring us through the shoals into the harbor. The tidal range is 8-10 feet here and a current is running, so we needed to wait for slack water to get in. There was nothing we could do but hang in and wait. At 15:00 hrs we anchored inside under the eys of many cruiser folks which we were getting to know in the next 6 weeks here in Bahia. The picture shows the Puerto Amistad restaurant, bar and buildings on the left. A great cruisers hangout run by "Tripp" the owner and his wife.