Arrival Day
21 December 2010 | Porvenir, Kuna Yala

Diesel Duck has arrived at Kuna Yala land a few days bevor Christmas coming from Santa Marta, Colombia. That is, the San Blas islands of Panama. We checked in at the island of Porvenir, which also has a little air strip for small planes to take you to Panama City. Diesel Duck is now under anchor at Isla Elefante in the Western Lemmon Cays which has a satellite internet conncetion. However, it was not working when we got here, the torrential rain had damaged the equipment. Today is the first day that it is in operation again and we will post some pictures of this place and set-up in the next few days.
On December 24th we had wonderful weather here with blue skys which had us jump in to swim around the boat. On Christmas day it started blowing and raining and got worse over the next two days. However, we cooked a turkey in the oven and Elke and Rolf, our friends from SY Siddhartha, joined us for Christmas dinner. Howling winds of over 30 knots with driving rain kept everyone on board for two solid days afterwards Oh well, sometimes it is like that.