Diesel Duck

26 July 2013 | On board Diesel Duck
26 July 2013 | Leamington, Canada
25 April 2013 | Florida
26 March 2013 | Florida
27 February 2013 | Stuart, Florida
10 February 2013 | Beautiful Florida
24 January 2013 | Key West, Florida
26 December 2012 | Miami Beach
07 December 2012 | Miami Beach
27 November 2012 | Stuart, Florida
15 November 2012 | Wrightville Beach, NC
05 November 2012 | Chesapeake City, MD
01 November 2012 | New York, NY
30 October 2012 | Half Moon Bay Marina
29 October 2012 | Croton-on-Hudson, NY
23 October 2012 | The New York State Canal System
14 August 2012 | Leamington, Canada
20 June 2012 | Leamington, Ontario
20 June 2012 | Leamington, Ontario
13 May 2012 | In the Erie Canal System

Filming in the San Blas Islands

06 March 2011 | Kuna Yala, Panama
Toward the end of February our friends, Sheryl and Paul Shard, the film makers of the well known television series "Distant Shores" arrived for a visit onboard Diesel Duck here in the San Blas Islands. We were looking forward to seeing them again. Three years ago, they came to film an episode with us in the Virgin Islands (see: Season Five, Disk 1, episode: Virgin Islands) and this time they wanted to film the Kuna Indians, handmade colorful molas, palm covered islands that are surrounded by beautiful reefs amid azure blue water and a trip into the jungle. The "Distant Shore" series are aired on TV or you can buy their DVDs and also read their interesting blog and newsletters at "Distant Shores"
click here to get to their web site
Although this was a working vacation for Paul and Sheryl, it turned into a lot of fun for all of us. Benno certainly suggested and injected Paul with all kinds of ideas and took them to places that were worthwhile filming. However, our friends only stayed a little over a week and there is only so much you can do and see during this time. But the episode will be fantastic, so make sure you are going to watch it when it comes out!!!
In general, Kuna Indians are shy to be photographed or filmed and permission must always be given. We were encountering some Kuna women that were happy to be on film and when Paul showed them the footage he took of them, the girls giggled with delight.
I showed Sheryl the molas I had purchased and explained the different qualities. Almost all the Kuna women make molas, but we invited Lisa, a famous mola maker onboard to explain the methods of mola making to Sheryl and Paul and she was willing to be interviewed and filmed. Of course Sheryl bought a pile of molas from Lisa that were exquisite in color, design and stitching. The only problem was there were too many pieces to choose from.
And then there was another talented cruiser lady that made lovely jewelry who visited us while we were anchored off Green Island (Kanilildup) enjoying sundowners on the foredeck . Oh the choices one has to make....
Vessel Name: Diesel Duck
Vessel Make/Model: Diesel Duck 41' - Aluminum
Hailing Port: Toronto, Canada
Crew: Marlene and Benno Klopfer (Photo by Marcie Lynn, Puerto Montt, Chile)
The kid, Dominik, is grown, married to Maryann and they have three kids Heidi + Annaliese + Hans, on their own. We are on the loose. Sold the condo and retired. Benno from an engineering profession and Marlene from a business administrator job. [...]
SSCA Members Diesel Duck is designed by George Buehler and is a long range, sail assisted Troller Yacht. Main engine: Perkins M80T, 4 cyl. 78 hp Generator: 5 KW - 115/230Volt - 3 cyl. - Northern Lights diesel Fuel: 3000 liter diesel Water: 800 liter Additional equipments: 3 burner gas [...]
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/dieselduck

Cruising on a Troller Yacht

Who: Marlene and Benno Klopfer (Photo by Marcie Lynn, Puerto Montt, Chile)
Port: Toronto, Canada