Oh No!!
07 March 2011 | Kuna Yala, Panama

Trolling for fish is fun and quite often we are successful in hauling in a good catch. A week ago, while coming back to the San Blas islands from a shopping trip at the El Rey supermarket in Sabanitas, Benno lost our lure, a "Blue Bomber" and the whole line spun out from the reel and ripped off when some big fish took a bite. Big, big fish!!!
This really was a tragedy because it was our only "Blue Bomber" lure, our--trophy -- good luck - dinner providing lure! But Paul and Sheryl came to our rescue when they brought with them from Canada a few "Rapala" lures which are quite similar. Naturally Benno wanted to try the new lure and get a good sized fish for all of us for dinner. So in-between island hopping the fishing rod was put to work. Not long after we had a strike. Big excitement on board and instructions were shouted to slow the boat, get the fish bonker, bucket, pliers and gloves. Paul grabbed his film camera and I went with my photo camera to capture the action.
The fish appeared to be at least three feet in size and he put on a big fight. Benno really used his muscles as he pulled hard and kept reeling him closer. Just when I thought I should hand Benno a gaff to bring him in, the fish jumped high in the air, spit out the lure, which had a lot of tension on the line and the "Rapala" lure with two sharp 3-prong hooks shot back to hook (as Benno commented dryly) into his family jewels, but thankfully they were protected by a good pair of swimming trunks.
We agreed that the fish that got away appeared to have been a Wahoo.