The adventures of Yacht Flirtie

"Hi, we are sailing yacht Flirtie's crew, Bruce and Caroline. Welcome to our blog.

boarded by Customs!

This morning we were boarded by French Customs (Douane). We saw the RIB coasting up and down the Marina pontoons then it pulled up and five smartly dressed guys jumped out and walked along the jetty to us. Two of the men asked to come on board to see our papers whilst the remaining three loitered outside the boat, one permanently on his mobile no doubt checking if we had previously been checked.

Whilst we showed them our passports and ships papers we couldn't help but notice that they were armed with guns and hand cuffs. Paperwork in order, they then gave us a receipt which should save a repeat inspection when next boarded (however they did say that other customs may still what to do a check anyway).

It was a really pleasant experience although a little intimidating seeing five men with guns!

Later we spoke to Nick and Rona from 'Stress Breaker' (who we previously met in L'Aber-Wrac'h) and it transpires that Customs were aware that their yacht had last been inspected five years ago in Boulogne and were questioned accordingly.
