Buenos Noches from La Paz.
We've had little to no internet for the past few weeks, so please pardon our radio silence. To recap quickly, we had a beautiful, un-eventful motor sail from La Cruz/Puerto Vallarta area to Bahia de los Muertos south of La Paz. 330 nautical miles in 3-days and 2-nights, flat-calm seas, and starry skies.
We hung out in Muertos for a few days watching the mobula rays flying through the air performing gymnastic routines. Google them if you've not seen them, they are amazing!
A long washing-machine-like slog up the outside of Isla Cerralvo with wind on the nose and waves from all directions, including ocean-like 6-8' swell...The largest wave hit just as Kirk went up onto the foredeck to retrieve a loose line. He grabbed a shroud, hung on tight, jumped up feet 3' in the air, tucking his feet up as the wave rolled over the bow, down the deck under him, and he landed again with bare feet still dry! Heidi REALLY wished the camera was handy for that one, it was heart-stopping fun!
Our reward for surviving that nasty day was dropping the hook in the perfect spot (ideal wind and wave protection), in crystal-clear turquoise waters of Bahia Bonanza on Isla Espirto Santo...
Due West was the only boat in the whole bay. We stayed for 3-days and more boats showed up each day including a commercial kayak trip with 12 tent-campers on the beach.
Bonanza Beach, though the water LOOKS inviting, Heidi says it's still too cold for a swim! It's about 70°+F.
On to La Paz last Wednesday to meet up with more friends as we prepare to head out for the Women Who Sail Rendezvous tomorrow, to the islands north of La Paz, a National Park and World Heritage Site. This trip is lead by Holly Scott, owner of Charlie's Charts, and we're looking forward to learning from her wealth of local knowledge as we explore the islands.
We won't have any Internet or cell coverage for the next week 'till we're back in La Paz again with another report and lots of photos of this gorgeous area soon. Heidi's hoping we see whale sharks, Kirk's hoping for more mobula rays. So stay tuned, follow our SPOTs, and have a great week!