Photo: Jungle wildlife in Costa Rica thrives...
'Little did we suspect the whole world would soon tumble off an enormous cliff. The virus fermenting inside Chinese bats near the city of Wuhan was just a background news item when we returned to Costa Rica back in January, there was nothing to indicate the awful crisis that was to hit hard just three months later.
'We never paid much attention to the mounting media frenzy - we were too concerned with making plans to get ourselves south through the Panama Canal. Just like the rest of the world, we were unprepared - given that we spend most of our time taking care of the risks we face on a day-to-day basis then crisis planning is something not unknown to us - but not this, this was science fiction stuff, this was the doomsday prophecy those cranks and conspiracy psychopaths bang on about without anyone taking notice. Nowadays, we know the virus is a deadly threat that's going to change everything - the world, we think, has changed forever...'
This post describes our transit from the north of Costa Rica to Panama beginning in early January 2020. At this time of writing in December 2020, we are still in covid-isolation with a rampant new virus mutation now ravaging the UK, the Panama borders are rightly locked closed to UK visitors. To read more of this post please follow the link below to our sv
Sänna website...
Read more - Costa Rica to Panama 2020
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Nellie, The Ship's Cat