Arrived Papeete
03 July 2011 | Papeete, Tahiti

The 280 mile trip from Manihi to here was event free. We arrived Friday but have been super busy so a tad late with the blog update. The highlight was seeing Tahiti from 65 miles out just before sunset. Although her peaks are usually surrounded by cloud the atmosphere was super clear and has been since we have been here. We proceeded though the pass and directly to the Quay at first light. It is nice to be located right downtown when trying to get things done. By lunchtime I had the following tasks completed; new eyeglasses made (damaged by chemical splash in the Panama boatyard), teeth cleaned, and hair cut. In the afternoon I moved on to less important tasks. I am prepared for our rudders to arrive tomorrow with a big tamping bar and new drill bit. Last night was time for fun so Dean and I went to a Hiva show which was super, we did not get back until midnight, late for cruisers. We have half way decent internet, so have added a few pictures to the blog going all the way back to Panama.