25 March 2018 | Victoria. British Columbia
05 October 2017 | Victoria BC
24 August 2017 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
27 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
10 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
22 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
18 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
12 June 2017 | Humane, French Polynesia
05 June 2017 | Moorea, French Polynesia
07 May 2017 | Tahiti, French Polynesia
21 April 2017 | Fakarava, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Tahanea Atoll. Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Makemo Atoll, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
07 March 2017 | Rikitea, Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
20 February 2017 | Rikitea, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
14 January 2017 | Playita, Panama City, Panama
02 January 2017 | La Plait, Panama City
17 December 2016 | Isla Nargana
16 December 2016 | San Blas, Panama
The Hiatus
16 July 2014 | Singapore
Hello all.
We started seriously to undertake this endeavor in early 2013 after a 3 month hiatus of confirming that I wasn't completely 'nuts' to sell off all my worldly possessions to buy a new boat. At times I am still reminded by a reality check from Rose whether this was the right thing to do - can you blame her!. My son thought it was the coolest thing ever - with me all the way Linds - and became an eager team member! And my nephew Tyler will add a balance and trusty crew to our journey. After much deliberation including the loss of my father and soul searching for a definition of the 'meaning of life' I went back to a dream and ambition I had since childhood and went for it and thus sold lock, stock and barrel and weight shed off our possessions. Here is our journey documented....