25 March 2018 | Victoria. British Columbia
05 October 2017 | Victoria BC
24 August 2017 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
27 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
10 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
22 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
18 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
12 June 2017 | Humane, French Polynesia
05 June 2017 | Moorea, French Polynesia
07 May 2017 | Tahiti, French Polynesia
21 April 2017 | Fakarava, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Tahanea Atoll. Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Makemo Atoll, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
07 March 2017 | Rikitea, Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
20 February 2017 | Rikitea, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
14 January 2017 | Playita, Panama City, Panama
02 January 2017 | La Plait, Panama City
17 December 2016 | Isla Nargana
16 December 2016 | San Blas, Panama
Final Planning for Departure
17 July 2014 | Singapore
It's the last 4 weeks before we head off, first south along east Sumatra toward Sunda and then our hop across the Indian toward S Africa before November.
We are in good shape but there are always the new niggles with the boat and systems. Ensuring we get weather forecast reliably has been my focus in recent days. The Iridium and OCENS service works fine. The SSB had issues setting up but we are there now and while I've sent and received sailmail emails I haven't received a full forecast yet (synoptic). But that, I suspect, is largely due to the local RF in Singapore and particularly around our marina (Keppel).
I'll have a system expert come down shortly to 'audit' our boat and particularly review the standing and running rigging. While it's in order I'd like the health check.
I've been taking care if the admin: Indonesian bureaucracy, BIOT permits, agent for Maldives, etc. Our Aroundoceans Visa guide that we have been preparing for the last 1.5yrs has all the needy and useful info.
Tyler will join us in the beginning of August, green as can be, off the plane and into a RYA Competent Crew course for 5D/4Ns. But he'll be a welcome family member.
Rose is busy preparing her apartment for rent and moving things around and what's needed on the boat.
Linds is working daily on the boat with all the small tasks that need attention. A great lad and key to our journeys success.
Now back to work.....