25 March 2018 | Victoria. British Columbia
05 October 2017 | Victoria BC
24 August 2017 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
27 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
10 July 2017 | Reeds Bay, Hilo, Hawaii
22 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
18 June 2017 | Bora Bora, French Polynesia
12 June 2017 | Humane, French Polynesia
05 June 2017 | Moorea, French Polynesia
07 May 2017 | Tahiti, French Polynesia
21 April 2017 | Fakarava, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Tahanea Atoll. Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
05 April 2017 | Makemo Atoll, Tuamotu's, French Polynesia
07 March 2017 | Rikitea, Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
20 February 2017 | Rikitea, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
14 January 2017 | Playita, Panama City, Panama
02 January 2017 | La Plait, Panama City
17 December 2016 | Isla Nargana
16 December 2016 | San Blas, Panama
07 September 2014 | P Redang
Turtles abound in these Emerald green clear waters of Redang and thier surround islands. Malaysia truly has a paradise here. We spend hours snorkeling and searching for them however our encounters have only been when they pop their heads up for needy air around the boat. The coral and marine life is also quite good.
We spent a few days in the NE bay where we met 3 other cruisers with their boats and then we moved around to the other side of the island for some new scenery which is quite impressive. Tyler joined in with a PADI diving course for the next 3 days which will open his eyes to a whole new world. Rose made her first loaves of whole grain bread and Linds made his first pasta dish.
The boat has been well but we have a milli-slow oil leak on the port side SD60 sail drive that I haven't been able to locate but we top up the reservoir as needed and will have this looked at when we return to Spore. I've changed out a filter for the water maker and we improved on so,e of the sail rigging.
Anchoring has been solid in seabed sands in 10m. Navionics charts seem quite accurate for the areas we've navigated though bommies do abound. Last night we had yet another good squall blow thru with gusts up to 54kts.....I love my Rocna!
Photos to come when we get a better connection....