Bahia Aqua Verde Beach Potluck - Scalllop Delight Recipe
18 May 2011 | Bahia Aqua Verde - BCS
Lisa - photos: see album - Bahia Aqua Verde Beach Potluck

Bahia Agua Verde Beach Potluck
Sometime in the morning, I talked with Sue from S/V Blue Jacket and she suggested a beach happy hour later that day - the idea sounded great! Then, a bit later in the morning, Ann from S/V Blue Rodeo made a general announcement on 22 inviting the anchorage to participate in a happy hour potluck luck on the beach. Most chimed in with an RSVP that they would attend. It was perfect timing! Just the day before we had purchased 5 pounds of fresh scallops from Jesus and I was looking for something to do with them. As they are a bit on the chewy side, I decided the food processor would be the best way to handle the tough little treasures of the sea. I picked a couple of 'crab cake' recipes from my collection and came up with a 'Bahia Aqua Verde Scallop Delight' recipe which was enjoyed by all at the beach gathering. Several requests were made for the recipe. So, as best as I can remember, it is as follows:
Bahia Aqua Verde Scallop Delight
3/4 lb. fresh scallops (more or less, depending on what you've got)
Quarter the scallops and process in the food processor until nicely ground.
Mix the ground scallops with the following in a large bowl:
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup minced white onion
2 egg yolks plus 1 whole egg
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
zest from 1 lime
juice from 4 key limes - more or less to your taste
fresh ground black pepper to taste
a couple of shakes of green tabasco sauce - depending on how picante you like it
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro (or parsley, if you don't like the mexican herb!)
1 cup breadcrumbs (whatever kind you have - or grind up crackers if you don't carry breadcrumbs in the lockers) I used half and half !
This mixture should hold together slightly when you make a patty.
Pour more breadcrumbs onto a plate to coat each patty before frying. Press both sides of patties into the breadcrumbs. Transfer patties to waxed paper and layer.
Melt butter and oil in a skillet and cook until golden brown on both sides. These cakes cook fast!
Keep in a warmed oven until all patties are cooked.
Bring to the beach and enjoy !!
It was so much fun to make these for everyone and I was thrilled that you all loved them.