Banderas Bay to La Paz - Isla Isabella to Los Muertos
16 April 2011 | Isla Isabella to Los Muertos
Lisa - photos: see album - Banderas Bay to La Paz

The anchor is up at 6:15 pm - it’s only 216 nm to the Baja Peninsula - we are heading to Los Frailes anchorage.
Dan is sleeping, and I am listening to the Howard Stern Show. There are no boats on the hazy horizon and I am feeling OK about this whole nighttime, dark, sailing thing.
4am - Dan is back on watch and Lisa is OUT.
Savannah wakes me at 6:30 am. OMG my eyes are tired. She enjoys a beautiful sunrise with Daddy while I snooze a bit longer. In the galley, I prepare a quick and satisfying fried egg sandwich breakfast and then it’s time for school for Miss Savannah.
Neither the time nor the engine stop. There is no wind for sailing. The day passes and before we realize the time, we are hungry for some Dorado on the BBQ. We enjoy natures perfect fish with some beet root salad. It’s night-night time for Savannah and Mommy. My little sweetie rubs my back and we fall asleep together while Daddy maintains his watch.
11:15 pm - I awake to different weather. We have 20 plus knots of wind right on the nose and the course is uncomfortable - at 11:30 on 17 April, we change course to Los Muertos and level out the boat with a reef in the main. Dan heads below to get some needed sleep. At 1:30am, 18 April, I enjoy a full moon, flat seas, and a faint breeze. So far, it’s a smooth passage.
At 3:30am I head below to wake Dan for his watch - Savannah thinks it’s ‘wake-up’ time and proceeds to make the bed. We pull back the covers, and within a few minutes she is snoozing again and we cuddle till morning. Dan is alert and watching carefully for other boats. We are in thick, pea-soup style fog. The sun burns it off around 9am and Dan can rest his brain. He changes to dry clothes and gets some snooze time on the port settee in the cockpit. He has worked hard in the fog. Spongebob keeps Savannah content while I have a chance to catch up on the log and blog entries. We should arrive to Muertos in 4 hours. The sea is calm, the sun is up, and we are thrilled to have arrived back to the happiest place on earth - the Sea of Cortez.