Birthday Fun on the Beach
11 May 2011 | San Evaristo Anchorage - May 11-14
Lisa - see photo album: San Evaristo

Wed May 11- 14 San Evaristo Anchorage
We keep ourselves busy at San Evaristo while we wait for s/v Taking Flight and Kara's birthday to arrive. Ann has planned to celebrate Kara's 7th birthday with a party at the beach.
We wander to the 'tienda' on the first day to find out when the fresh veggies will arrive. We are told 'manana' and plan to return with our groceries bags in hopes of finding fresh bananas and avocados. For now, we grab some snacks and more boxed milk.
During an informal and impromptu happy hour on board s/v Endorfin, we meet the local fisherman when they pull up beside the boat with fish and lobsters for sale. Of course we will buy some for dinner!! We are always happy to support the local businessmen!
With Kara and Savannah content with a movie in our aft cabin, Dave, Ann, Dan and I enjoy a fresh lobster dinner in the cockpit.
The next day, Savannah and I keep busy with some fun projects. We made birthday presents for Kara and hope she will like our creativity. Homemade play dough was the most fun for Savannah to help with. She picked and mixed the colors and made 5 big squishy gooey balls. For the next project, the hardest part was taking the paper off of old crayons to make 'rainbow crayons'. Savannah stuck with it until they were ready to be broken up and put into the muffin cups and melted in the oven.
After the projects were completed, we took the dingy and met the group for some snorkeling. Savannah was the first in and loved every second in the water. Kara needed a bit of coaxing, but once in, she laughed and squealed with joy.
Kara's birthday finally arrived! Savannah was just as excited, as I had promised her face painting for both to celebrate the special day. After my morning paddle around the anchorage with Savannah, we set up the paint and tools. Savannah couldn't wait for Kara to finish school, so I painted her first - a beautiful butterfly! Dave brought the birthday girl to our boat as soon as she had finished her journaling and science. Kara also wanted a butterfly, so we changed the colors to make her's just a bit different. These painted beauties decided they should show everyone their faces, so I took them in the dingy from boat to boat until the entire anchorage had met the birthday flutterbys'.
That evening, we all met at the beach with appetizers, drinks and presents. Kara opened her gifts, we played baseball, and enjoyed yummy food and drinks.