02 February 2014

Tues Jan 28 to Fri Jan 31
3 Day Passage to Nicaragua
Day 1 - Marina Barillas to Punta Amapala
I turn on the stove to brew a pot of coffee for the boys as well as a cup of tea for myself. It’s 6 am and we are slowly making our way down river, towards the ocean, to begin our passage to Puesta Del Sol Marina in Nicaragua. We have about 105 miles to cover and will make two stops on the way.
Kim starts his timer when he sees that the coffee is perking. My kettle whistles and soon I’m sipping my hot tea. Our 10 miles trip back thru the estuary will take about 2 hours as we closely follow Walter our guide. We have plenty of time to relax and enjoy our morning beverages.
Blue Jacket (with Geoff and Sue) are first behind Walter, then Art, Jen, and Lavonne on ‘Eternal Bliss’ are in front of us. They seem happy with the feel of their boat -now that weeks of barnacle growth has been cleaned off their prop. Our first anchorage at Punta Amapala is only 45 miles away, and we plan to be there in time for happy hour. I hear Art calling on the VHF to arrange the fishing bets for the day. Before long, my favorite pink and white lure is in the water and we hope to hear the whining of the line paying out … At 1pm I have a ‘fish on’ and manage to bring it in with less profanity than last time. I can only be thankful for the fish that my cheap rod and reel are allowing me to catch. We are all happy to see a Pacific Sierra – perfect for grilling and ceviche. Dan cleans our catch and then leaves it for me to cut up and prepare. We hail Eternal Bliss and Blue Jacket to announce the catch and invite everyone for happy hour and fresh ceviche. Hey Art … don’t forget the cash ... 20 bucks for today !!
The sun sets over the hills of Punta Amapala as we enjoy each other’s company on the bow of Endorfin.
Passage Day 2 - Punta Amapala to Isla Meanguerra
Isla Meanguerra is only 10 miles from our current spot and allows us to enjoy a lazy morning at the anchorage. Seems like a good day for French toast and breakfast sausages. We have real Canadian maple syrup ! -thanks to Caroline on s/v Day Break Oceane, who traded with me last spring, for pesos to pay for her laundry.
Geoff is busy scuba diving and completing search patterns to locate the ‘lost’ flopper stopper. After numerous attempts in almost ‘zero vis’, they come to the conclusion that the expensive stainless device was perhaps stolen while they tossed and turned in their bunks. We happily offer ours until they can get a replacement.
After the short 10 miles to Isla Meanguerra, we drop anchor in Guerrero cove. The island is reminiscent of the San Juan’s with it’s rugged cliffs and scattered trees. The beach is dotted with small fishing huts and coconut palms. We decide to stretch our legs a bit and meet at the beach for an afternoon walk. LC (the puppy on Eternal Bliss) is thrilled for a chance to roll in a dead fish and play with other 4-legged friends. We meet up with 3 young boys who are on their way home with what appears to be dinner. They giggle when I ask them if the iguanas are alive or dead. We laugh and comment how it will taste like chicken.
Back on the boat, a swim cools us off and we are careful not to be stung by jellies. There are lots of them, and we’ve been told by the local fisherman that their sting is painful.
A quick shower on the back deck and we are ready to enjoy the shade on the bow. We’ve had plenty of sun for one day.
Passage Day 3 - Isla Manguerra to Puesta Del Sol Marina, Nicaragua.
We need to arrive at the marina in Nicaragua at high tide, so our departure from Isla Meanguerra is at 5 am. Dan and Kim manage the anchor and I am happy to prepare the morning coffee.
At first light, my lure is in the water and the bets have been placed. Today, it’s $25 for first fish, and $20 for biggest. You can imagine I am thrilled at 9 am when I hear that lovely sound of a fish trying to run with my lure. It’s only a small Pacific Jack – but worth $25.
He’s happy to be released and quickly disappears from our sight.
The wind is picking up and at a perfect angle for sailing on our desired course. We unfurl the jib and main, throttle back on the engine to save fuel, and enjoy the movement of Endorfin as she reaches nicely towards the next port.
Ten hours after departing Isla Meanguerra, El Salvador, we arrive at Puesta Del Sol Marina in Nicaragua. Dorian advises there is lots of space and Dan maneuvers Endorfin –stern first- into the slip.
Cleaning the boat is always first on the list after a few days at sea. With everyone scrubbing and rinsing to remove days of salt and dirt, it’s not long before Endorfin is shiny and clean again. We have been given permission to leave our boats and wait in the pool until the officials arrive to clear us into their country. We have worked up a sweat and look forward to a quick dip before the paperwork begins. It’s an easy check in as each official completes required forms and collect their fees. The office is not air-conditioned and soon we are hot and thirsty. A palapa bar at the end of the marina looks breezy and inviting, so we make our way there for a few cold ones.
Welcome to Nicaragua!!