Quepos, Costa Rica ... and Points further south
02 March 2014

We arrived to another picture perfect anchorage about 9 am. Tired, but thankful we didn't need to make that journey in the heat of the day. There is a brand new marina here called 'Pez Vela' (sailfish marina) - it's a lovely spot for the rich and crazy ! They charge 2.75 per foot per day, plus 30% tax. That would cost us almost $200 per night. It's bad enough they charge $25 every time you enter the marina with the dingy and $25 to leave again. Lucky for us we decided to make one trip to do some laundry, and provision a bit - we arrived on 'Quepos Day' - the 'one' day every year that the town celebrates !! There was over 200 horses in a competition (in the streets) and I'm sure all the people from that pueblo and all the surrounding villages to watch this competition and parade ! Cowboys in cool shirts and boots, girls in sexy tank tops with heels(talking on cell phones!), and adorable children with amazing smiles - all riding and showing off their horsemanship skills. We were all thinking how crazy it was that of all the days we arrive .... To arrive on Quepos day !!
It's raining now... it just started. Finally, a sprinkle from the sky. Our boat is so salty I hope it pours all night. But just to have that cooling feeling that you only get with a rainfall. We have not had rain in the last month - so it's a welcome change. I have to admit that one can get board with sun, sun and more sun every day. I know, I know, how dare I admit that - while people are shoveling snow just to get to a j.o.b. !!
We are on our way to Manuel Antonio National Park - hopefully to see monkeys and sloths ....
Pura Vida !!