S/Y Espumeru

11 March 2011 | Gold coast, QLD, Australia
06 March 2011 | Gold Coast, Queensland
14 December 2010 | Coral sea and the north
08 October 2010 | Raiatea, French Polynesia
08 September 2010 | Tahiti
31 August 2010 | Tahiti
28 August 2010 | Fatu Hiva
22 August 2010 | The Pacific ocean
19 August 2010 | The Pacific ocean
15 August 2010 | The Pacific ocean
13 August 2010 | The Pacific ocean
06 August 2010
06 August 2010
02 August 2010
30 July 2010 | Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz, Galapagos
07 July 2010 | Ecuador, north coast, Sua
22 June 2010 | Panama City, Panama

Another cold morning

02 April 2010 | Finland
We woke up to another cold morning, the landscape is still mostly made up of white snow, though the texture is not light and fluffy anymore, the rising temperature and the rain have compacted the snow into a wet heavy slush. We have tried to continue working on our snow castle though I think it is a loosing battle the elements will conquer over us in the end, the castle will melt. Easter is here and me and my cousin and Niklas sister went shopping yesterday for everything needed it was exhausting, we had loads of stuff. The next days we are planning to paint easter eggs with the kids, play memory games with them and enjoy lovely home cooked meals. The kids are very excited about this, they are of course also expecting an easter egg hunt.

Yesterday we had a special treat, one of the neighbours here organised a beer tasting, that was a novelty. I have been at various wine tastings but never a beer tasting, it was very interesting and some of the beers were actually pretty good, not being a beer drinker my self I was impressed. For those who love beer, mostly everyone else, the occasion was a success. The only slight problem was that the event was outside and not really being a creature of the arctic I was thorougly frozen after about half an hour and had to warm myself by the fire. In the end I had to give up and go home with the kids, I finally got some life back to my limbs with some warm soup.
In two weeks me and the boys are flying to Spain for a couple of weeks, it will be great to see my family and everyone else there. We have been reading the blogs of our sailing friends as they are one by one transiting the Panama canal and sailing to the South Pacific, it all seems very exciting. We wish all of you fair winds and hope you have a great time.

Happy Easter everyone,

Vessel Name: Espumeru
Vessel Make/Model: North Wind 40 Catamaran
Crew: Niklas
About: Max 5 years (powerboat experience since 7 months old) Knows now how to start and turn off engines lower fenders etc... Felix 3 years (copying his brother in everything...) Mira born by the sea but no sailing experience!?! Niklas lots of experience with different boats power and sailing.
Extra: None of the crew has ever sailed a catamaran!!!! Are we mad???

Who: Niklas