Marathon to Key West
01 March 2007 | Key West
February 17th was moving day. The city wanted the anchorage area cleared on the 18th to start the mooring project. With bad weather forecast and the harbor too crowded already, I decided to move on before bad weather. Started the day thought with laundry, dumping the head, getting water, and taking a shower.
The City Dock Marina is ugly; but, it is nicely set up to take care of folks living on their boats and anchoring off the marina. They have three docks just for dinghies. Just off the docks is a recycle center, porta pottie dump, trash dumpster, and fresh water. The shower facilities are there which is about all that can be said except they have hot water! Great facility. They charge for everything to keep the process going. Think someone from Punta Gorda should check it out to see what to do and what not to do with the City Marina.
In the afternoon sailed & motored to Big Pine Key channel to find a place to hide from the forecast cold front and high winds. Pulled in relatively close to the causeway between Big Pine and Little Torch Key. Put out my normal anchor and my other primary anchor about 45 degrees apart from the forecast wind direction. Pulled hard in reverse to make sure they were set.
This morning I slept in and at 8 am the storm hit with not a bit of warning. One minute a sprinkle of rain and then winds gusting to the 60's from the North. I put on my sweats and raingear to check the anchors. To my surprise, the Fortress (danforth type) anchor was slack and when I pulled on it, it came right up to the boat. It had caught a hunk of grass that kept it from digging in deeper as the pull increased. Instead it pulled out. My first experience with that problem since most places I anchor are mud and no grass.
After an hour I figured out how to set my 40-pound danforth without upsetting the anchor that was holding us in place. Of course now I don't have any confidence in my second primary anchor. Two lessons learned. If winds are predicted, use your biggest anchor to start with, even if it means hard work getting it back aboard. Second, if possible dive on a danforth anchor to make sure there is no grass that can stop it from setting deep.
Sun is setting and the winds are still howling. Sleep will be light tonight.
The 19th was a lot nicer. Winds down to 15-20 and got lighter all day. Sun was out so 60 degrees didn't seen too bad. Had a great dinner at Parrotdise on Little Torch Key. If you can imagine Lamb Porterhouse steaks in a shitake mushroom reduction sauce. Wow.
20th called for an easy sail with light winds to Cudjoe Key bay. Nothing here but met Ron and Neusma Siegel who were out sailing a trimarian. They pointed out shallow spots and came aboard for wine and cheese. Rough life of a cruising sailor. He has lived here 15 years and it was the first time he was invited aboard a visiting boat.
The 21st of February was again a sail off the anchor and out into the Gulf Stream to see what it was like. With light winds and light chop in the inner reef area, when we got to the Gulf Stream, all was different. The waves were suddenly 4 to 6 feet and it was rock and roll time. Puff handled it very well as long as she doesn't have to head into big seas.
We ended up at Boca Chica Naval Air Station. The marina is right next to the end of the main runway. Fun to watch the F-18s, F-5s, F-16s and F-15s make approaches. They have an over-water training area with a "Navy Opponent Force" to act as an enemy force. The Air Force uses the base too and two KC-135s and a C-5 flew in too. It is like being at home again.
Sailed to Key West on the 22nd. Actually sailed the whole way. Due to North winds, we ended up tacking back and forth across Key West Harbor. Majesty of the Seas was in port and another big one came in after we sailed by. Tied up at a city mooring off Garrison Bight.
The 23rd was walk-about Key West looking for boat parts. Ordered replacement 8D (150 lb) main battery. Manager said should be a free replacement for 2-year-old battery (WOW! Believe that next week when it arrives). Walked about 6 miles looking for a copper washer. Everyplace folks sent me was just a 1/2 -mile down the road.
Tourist day on the 24th. Looking for fun things to do next week when Karen arrives. Winds too high to explore much by dingy. Moved off mooring on 25th to anchor off Sigsby Naval Station. Went to the BX and spent the evening at Sunset Lounge taking to folks who were in Bahamas last year. 26th was a lazy day. Worked on the boat and may have fixed an intermittent radio problem. Finished "Sick Puppy" by Carl Hiaasen??"a very funny Florida writer. On the 27th got up in the fog, not in a fog, and motor sailed out of Key West by the Sovereign of the Seas and Fascination. Tied up at Boca Chica again to await Karen.
February 28th, Karen arrived at Boca Chica! Yeah! It is good to have a wife and playmate aboard. March 1st off to Key West to shop and play. Time to update this blog using the wireless at the Key West Library.