Cabo San Lucas
09 November 2013 | Cabo San Lucas

Trip Report…
We departed San Diego the morning of October 28th in cool and rainy conditions. The first leg to Turtle Bay (Bahia Tortuga), about 350 nautical miles down the coast, was a combination of winds straight of the bow and choppy 4 to 6 foot seas. The winds finally clocked around to the northwest and the seas built to 6 to 8 feet. Not a particularly comfortable ride, but we were able to do some sailing. We caught a bonito and foolishly brought him aboard. They are not a good eating fish and the sucker bled lick a stuck pig! The boat looked like "The Baja Chainsaw Massacre!" We entered Turtle Bay the morning of the 31st. Great people there. Wonderful beach party. Two and half day ride down to Bahia Santa Maria was next. 25 to 30 knot winds dead astern with 6 to 8 foot following sloppy seas. Yee-haw! Last leg was wonderful 30 hour sail on a broad reach with relatively calm seas and 10 to 15 knot winds. Flew the spinnaker and main. We were flying!
Now in Cabo. Will depart on Tuesday for points farther north up the Sea of Cortez Baja coast. Sorry it took so long to post this… Rick and Patty on s/v Fais Do Do.