Second Chances
04 April 2009
Clear and Breezy

My new mistress is home...
Ever since my powerboat sold, and I just got flat tired of always having to drive all the way out to Berkeley Marina just to get an hour or two of time in on one of the club Laser Bahias, I decided that I neede to be able to ply my passions closer to home... After all, I do live right on the Delta.
So, with this in mind, I embarked on a quest to find a boat that is as fast (relatively) as a Laser Bahia (very similar to a 5o5) and much drier, with good handling characteristics and manners , a somewhat dry ride and strong potential for a little club racing.
So I put out the feelers, and very pleasantly, I came up with an International FJ 13. This is an Olympic class boat, is sailed internationally in the one design classes. It is known to be a very fast planing hull and has a very solid track record as one of the boats with the best safety records fir its class.
The boat has few major flaws... There was a repair made to the bow and was never blocked out and prepared for paint, few rigging issues, or otherwise negative attributes. Work has already begun to fair the hull and get it painted. So this is going to be a sort of mini chronicle of my time with her.