04 April 2009 | Stockton
Chilly, clear

So now to the not so positive. There was a basic attempt, albeit, unfinished, to repair some minor dockside damage to the bow edge. By its nature, polyester resins commonly used in fiberglass don't like much direct exposure to water. It actually absorbs it if left unfinished (waterproofed), so this wasn't going to fly in my book. Being that I used to paint cars for a living, this wasn't going to pose much of a problem. I would just block it all down, make any fills as needed, prime her up and paint.
Seeing as how I don't care much for gray on gray, I saw this as an opportunity to use up some of the leftover paint from my last boat. Interestingly enough, I have quite a bit of midnight blue pearl base left. This is going to be a very unique paint to use, as I have never seen a sailboat painted up in pearl based paint before.
I figured I would do all the top surfaces (cockpit interior and rails) in anti-skid white deck paint. This is because I don't want to be slip-slidin' in the bottom when trying to tack or whatnot.
So fully intending that I was going to go at it straight away, I get the flu, and it takes me down for two weeks. Between that and an highly impacted work schedule, I missed working on my little gem for three weeks.
So work did not commence until this week.