So... with the base down, finally... The next step was to lay the stripes... I decided that I was going to go with some classic yacht striping along the waterline. this consisted of breaking the side color and then a 3/4 inch white stripe followed by a 1/4 inch white, then a 1/4 inch blue, a 1/4 inch white, and another 1/4 inch blue... The picture above shows the hull all taped and masked to this end.
After I got all the striping laid out (BTW, this is a real nightmare on a flat white surface with no way of seeing the curves of the hull for reference, so I had to guesstimate the waterline of the hull, made worse by the fact that it was upside down, thus throwing off my ability to visualize. I am sure it is quite close... The next step was to mask the bottom up tight... The worst thing I could have happen at this point, would be to have a leaky mask that would allow dark blue to "dust" over the surface. It would just kill the very clean aesthetic of the pristine off-white base coat.