Tunisia and the Balearics
14 May 2023 | Tunis, Tunisia
Alison Gabel

One of the things I love about the cruising we've done on sailboats over the last decade + is the people we've met. There's something very unique and interesting about folks who sell all their stuff, or stash everything they own in a 10x20' box and rent out their homes, or who leave their businesses in the hands of trusted others, move onto their boats and go off to sea. To carpe diem while the diem is now. There are as many stories behind these people as there are people, and everyone has a different version of "we want something ... else."
Two of the people we've met and remained friends with for over thirteen years are Michael and Gloria, with whom we sailed across the Pacific in 2010, then shared cars and campers in New Zealand for two months. We sold our boat in Australia and returned to our jobs and "normal" lives in 2011, while Michael and Gloria continued on, ending up in the Mediterranean, where they've had the boat now for the last 8 years. We've had the pleasure of joining them on their boat, Paikea Mist three times in the last decade: in Indonesia, Turkey, and Malta. Each time we grow closer to them and fonder of Paikea Mist, a beautiful blue-hulled Beneteau Custom 50 sailboat that is more loved and cared for than almost any boat I know.
Michael and Gloria have also returned to their jobs and "normal" lives, but spend a few months each year on their boat somewhere in the Med - Greece, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Malta. Of course, the pandemic kept them away for almost two years, but they're back in the swing of things, and we are now on our way, as I write, to meet them in Tunisia.
Tunisia. I had to Google it. I knew it was in Africa, I knew it was probably somewhere on the north end, but I wasn't completely sure whatwherewhenwhyhow. Wikipedia brought me up to date, and after a bit more research I was convinced: Tunisia is a pretty cool place to go. But my first question was, is it safe? Family in the military and friends in the US government confirmed we should be fine if we avoid the Libyan border and a few other areas tangental to hostile neighbors. We will - we'll only be in the very tip-top of Tunisia, in the capital city of Tunis for a few days, and then a jaunt 100 miles south to meet up with Paikea Mist, on her way from Malta right about now. The plan: sail to the Balearics, those cool islands south of Spain, one of which is my origin: Ibiza, where I was conceived in 1957. Of course, this is sailing - it could all change. Michael and Gloria need to make it to Tunisia. Then, we need a weather window of about 4 days to sail to Menorca, the eastern-most island in the Balaerics. We'll see how it all goes.
Back to Tunis, which includes Carthage. If you're a classical era history buff, you've heard of it; if you're into geography, you surely have. And if you're into the history of early Christianity, you probably know Carthage. It's 10km east of the city of Tunis, and was the center of trade in the Ancient Mediterranean during the Classical era. In its speckled history, it's been occupied by the Romans, the Catholics, the French, and off-and-on, the Muslims. Now, it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In the next few days we look forward to exploring the history of the city, and the remains of Carthage. And after that, we look forward to our sail to the Balearics. Rain is in the forecast, and the overall daytime temperature for the trip looks like the low 70's F, so we have long sleeves and umbrellas and hoodies. Yes, low 70's is COLD to those of us who are temperature wimps.
(As I post this, we've arrived and all is well - will update in a day or two.)