31 January 2014 | La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Mexico
Donna/Sunny and 86 degrees
There are so many things to do here. If we wanted to, we could go to a class or seminar five days a week. And so far we’ve attended classes every Monday and Wednesday learning about emergency first-aid, radio communications, refrigeration, GPS, skin care precautions for the sun and emergency dental care. I’m also studying to take the HAM radio license test. Rich is taking a class on how to use the sextant.
Every Thursday night the yacht club has a free movie we attend. And it’s always a packed house. Last week we saw Captain Phillips. Great movie!
On Thursday and Sunday nights we go to the vegetable and fruit market in La Cruz. It’s a wholesale warehouse where all the stores and restaurants purchase their produce. Our basket is always filled with fresh, ripe and juicy goodness. We are eating more produce than ever. When we’re in the same neighborhood we can stop at the local tortilleria for fresh homemade tortillas.
We’ve designated Friday nights to have tacos at a little restaurant call Tacos on the Street here in La Cruz. Between the two of us we can get 4 tacos and a tostado, 2 sodas, and flan for dessert for under 120 pesos ($10). They only make rib-eye beef tacos, tostados, and quesadillas and they have perfected their recipe. If you don’t get there early, you might have to wait in line for a table to open.
Each week we attend the Sunday Market where you can buy handcrafted jewelry, pottery, food, haircuts, clothing, and just about anything else you can think of. You can purchase fresh fish and shrimp right off the boats dock-side. And they always have a band playing. Often we just go for the socialization.
Lately, we’ve been playing a card game called Baha Rummy. We just learned how to play and it is such fun. I have the rules and will have to get a card game together when we get back home.
Also, we’ve attended several dock party potlucks, a beach party, and a pool/BBQ party at the yacht club pool.
Right now we are gearing up for a BIG Superbowl Party. One of our friends lent the local pizza parlor her projection TV. It’s the place where we all have been watching the football games all season. By the way, they have the BEST pizza I’ve had in Mexico. My favorite is artichoke, kalamata olives, onion and feta cheese. All baked in a brick fire oven. Yum. They also have the freshest, tastiest fish and chips. The owner goes to the fish market each morning to pick up the fish. Did I mention you can buy fish/shrimp right off the boats when they come in?
Any way, on Sunday I’ll don my Seattle Seahawk shirt and join our friends for an afternoon of football. GO HAWKS!!!
PS: I’ve had several requests for more photos, so I’m putting together an album I will post shortly.
Christmas in Mexico
05 January 2014
Although we truly missed spending the holiday season with our family and friends, we did just celebrate a very memorable Christmas here in La Cruz.
On December 23 about 20 people gathered at one of the local restaurants (Philo’s) to put together gift bags for the children of the village. Contributions were so generous that we were able to put together 600 gift bags, each containing a big gift (soccer ball or doll, etc.), a small gift, coloring book and crayons, balloons, and candy. When I went back to the boat that afternoon I was so excited in anticipation of watching Santa hand out the gifts on Christmas.
On Christmas day we attended a potluck at the restaurant sponsoring the day’s events. They supplied the turkeys and mashed potatoes and the rest of the attendees brought the sides and desserts. After the dinner about two dozen of the children put on a Christmas play, “Los Posadas”, the story of Joseph’s and Mary’s search for lodging. Although the children spoke Spanish, their teacher interpreted the entire play. They were so dang cute.
After the play the children formed two long lines down the street to await their visit to Santa. What a blessing to see the joy on each of their little faces as they received their presents. The most prized gifts seemed to be the soccer balls. I think they gave out over 100 of them.
In the end over 400 children received gifts. The remaining 200 gift bags were donated to an orphanage in Punta de Mita and to the “Children of the Dump” in Puerto Vallarta. The whole experience was such blessings. We have much to be thankful for.
One New Year’s Eve Rich and I attended a dinner at the yacht club, but ended up petering out before the fireworks at midnight. It was a great dinner with many of our new friends in attendance.
Well, that’s all for now. We’ll keep in touch.
Sailors' Splash
22 December 2013 | La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Mexico
What a fun week we just had. All week long we enjoyed a variety musical talent during the International Music Festival in La Cruz. We heard jazz, rock, tango, Africana, Brazilian and many more. All together 9 different artists or bands played. On Sunday the week-long festival culminated in an all day concert with all the bands in the town square. What talent and what a fun time.
And if that wasn’t enough excitement, we also participated in the Banderas Bay Sailor’s Splash. We were invited on Profligate, the massive catamaran owed by the editor of Latitude 38 magazine, for a leisurely cruise down to Nuevo Vallarta and back. That evening after our return, Latitude 38 held a huge party for all the sailors of Banderas Bay. Wonderful food and drinks and plenty of great music under the stars. In addition, everyone received free t-shirts and ball caps. All-in-all it was a wonderful evening of meeting old and new friends.
The other day Rich and I took the bus to Puerto Vallarta to finish our Christmas shopping for us and for the children’s Christmas party I will be helping with. The owner of the restaurant who organizes the event said that every year more than 650 local kids attend and receive maybe the only gift they may get. When I asked if they would be able to supply that many gifts he replied that the cruiser were very generous in their support with both gifts and money and he’s never run short.
In my next update I’ll have to give a commentary on transportation in Mexico. Some of the happenings are hilarious.
Until then, Feliz Navidad. And remember the true meaning of Christmas---Christ our Saviour was born!