Flying Across the Seas

17 June 2013 | Portsmouth, Dominica
15 June 2013 | Portsmouth, Dominica
14 June 2013 | Portsmouth, Dominica
11 June 2013 | Iles des Saints, Guadeloupe
07 June 2013 | Deshaies, Guadeloupe
02 June 2013 | St. Barts
01 June 2013 | Ile Fourchue, St. Barts
31 May 2013 | Grand Case, St. Martin
29 May 2013 | St. Martin and Sint Maarten
18 May 2013 | St Thomas, US Virgin Islands
12 May 2013 | Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI
07 May 2013 | Vieques, Culebra, and Culebrita, The Spanish Virgins
20 April 2013 | Salinas, Puerto Rico
13 April 2013 | Salinas, Puerto Rico
12 April 2013 | Isla Caja de Muertos, Puerto Rico
10 April 2013 | Cayos Cana Gorda, Puerto Rico
08 April 2013 | Boquerón, Puerto Rico
07 April 2013 | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
27 March 2013 | Ocean World, Dominican Republic

Working Our Way East

08 April 2013 | Boquerón, Puerto Rico
This morning we departed at a civilized hour of 10:00 a.m. for the relatively short 16-mile trip heading east towards Boquerón. We motor sailed close to shore to avoid the stronger wind and waves and after about an hour we were heading right into the predictable 15-20 knot Easterlies. The night before we had tried to determine the best spot to get fuel but it isn’t always that easy to get the “right” information. So we bypassed Puerto Real and decided Boquerón would work better. When we rounded the point for the anchorage we ran into winds blowing 30 knots right on the nose and somehow managed to get anchored and settled in. Van Sant, our guide guru, had painted Boquerón as a bohemian weekend haunt for university students with bars and restaurants everywhere. Some how reality didn’t quite match and we found Boquerón to be kind of a do-it-yourself type anchorage with limited access and amenities.

We managed to find a rickety dingy dock that was somewhat life threatening (especially if you had been drinking) and took a walk around town to get our bearings. We found a small little grocery that carried the basics, including ice cream Dove bars. Down the street was Doggies, a gas station that carried diesel, but you had to pump it into jerry cans and carry it across the street to the marina where your dinghy is illegally parked. Walter ended up filling 2 cans (12 gals.) and got a little work out carrying them to the dinghy and explaining to the marina owner why he was illegally parked at the dock. Guess we should have stopped at Puerto Real to get totally topped off.

We later met up with Field Trip and some other cruisers at an impromptu happy hour down by the dingy dock. Beer was provided by a nearby store at $1 a Medallia (the local beer) and many conversations ensued. Cruisers are always your best reference for information and we heard what areas to visit inland, where the good anchorages are, and where to get whatever you may be looking for. It is always fun to hear where people are from, where they are going, and how long they have been out living the cruising life. It is customary to share a boat card or two and share & tell many a sailing story.

We eventually headed to the nearby waterfront restaurant, Galloway’s with Field Trip for a nice dinner and toasted to our accomplishment of completing the hardest part of The Thorny Path. Now we are starting to slow down just a little…but we still have quite a distance to travel before we reach the Caribbean.

Vessel Name: Flying Cloud
Vessel Make/Model: Taswell 44 (1999)
Hailing Port: Seattle, WA USA
Crew: Walter & Meryl Conner
Walter & Meryl met at the University of Washington while both were ski instructors at Snoqualmie Pass near Seattle, WA. Having grown up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, they shared a love of adventure sports, including skiing, mountain climbing, SCUBA diving, bicycling, and of course, sailing. [...]

Flying Cloud Crew

Who: Walter & Meryl Conner
Port: Seattle, WA USA