Stuck in Sarnia
19 July 2012 | Sarnia, Ontario
Tony and Kat
Thunderstorms to the north delayed our departure from the Old Club by about an hour. Once it looked like the weather was moving on we cast off and had a reasonably nice ride up the St Clair River. Overcast with occasional rain sure beat the 95+ high humidity conditions for the past several days. For most of the trip we were averaging a 1.7+ knot current with and occasional 2 kts. The trip took six hours and we were able to get in just after three o’clock. Lots of freighter traffic heading north – mostly empty ore boats.
During the ride up the wheel/rudder was pulling a bit to one side and felt like we had captured more seaweed on the way up. Soooo over the side again at Sarnia with knife in hand but no weeds this time on either the prop shaft or rudder ….strange. Let’s hope this is the last time for this exercise as the water is getting progressively colder as we head north. At the same time the joker valve gave out I just replaced the valve in May (thanks Jabsco) you boaters will understand…hope it’s the last time on the trip for this replacement as well
The day ended on a warm and sunny note and with cocktails and appetizers with Paul and Geri on our boat. The last weather check before going to bed looked a bit iffy for anchoring Friday night with a forecast of 15-20 kts with 6-8 footers from the North/Northeast – we may be here an extra night!
Thursday morning 5:30 am - WOW the weather really turned ugly in the middle of the night! The picture of our radar screen shows just how bad it got. We’re the little boat symbol in the lower center of the picture. The wind forecast has stayed the same so…at least an extra night here!