On the Way to Harbor Beach
21 July 2012 | Harbor Beach
Tony & Kat
The photo is of Richard Sharp going under the Blue Water bridge.
The forecast is light and out of the south - perfect for this trip. We left at 7:30, encountered a relatively mild 3.5 kt. current along the shoreline. We had a light southerly breeze for the 8 hr trip to Harbor Beach. This is my least favorite harbor since it's shallow and there's nothing in town. This year it continued to meet my expectations as we anchored by the lighthouse with about 15 other boats.
Vixen did surprisingly well especially as she patiently waited for me to launch the dingy for the 20 min ride into the 'doggy park'. The only issue was someone forgot to tell me I have to put gas in the outboard! No sweat - a quick call to Mike on 'Island Sol' which joined up with us at HB and I got bailed out. Two more trips to the 'doggy park' that night...hmmm I think Vixen likes dingy rides and is toying with me.
Grosse Point Sailing Club had this as a stopping point for their 'Cocktail Race Cruise' so as I mentioned we had lots of company. By the way a good winter seminar for the club might be 'anchoring for racers' - yikes how many times do you have to reset the anchor - especially in mud! Clue - start with something more substantial then a 10 lb danforth for a 40' boat.
All three of our boats set our anchors the first time and we stayed secure even in moderate winds that evening.