Log of sv 'French Connection'

15 August 2012
11 August 2012 | Sarnia
10 August 2012
08 August 2012
07 August 2012 | Pt Elgin
03 August 2012
31 July 2012 | Beardrop
30 July 2012
24 July 2012 | Presque Isle, Michigan
22 July 2012 | Harrisville
21 July 2012 | Harbor Beach
21 July 2012 | Sarnia, Ontario
19 July 2012 | Sarnia, Ontario
16 July 2012 | Harsens Island, Michigan
16 July 2012 | Middle Bass & Grosse Isle
28 June 2012 | Catawba Island
31 July 2009 | Catawba Island

Harrisville or Bust

22 July 2012 | Harrisville
Tony & Kat

Picture of Vixen at the ‘helm’; Note to oneself bring extra cushioned seat next year so that I don’t have to sit on the hard teak seats!

This is the part of the trip we all dread since it’s long, generally hot and Saginaw Bay is very unpredictable. A strong southwesterly and it would be a pretty rough ride for 8 hours. But like the day before we had light southerlies that eventually grew into more moderate winds with following seas. Shaved at least a half hour off the trip - oh but the bugs.

We have soooo many flies/bugs that our boats almost turned black! That’s the disadvantage of light winds – but I’d still rather have that weather with flies then high winds on the nose and large seas (guys remember our 2010 trip?). Kat was able to stay down below for much of the trip; cleaning up, making lunch, etc. Vixen of course insisted on keeping her company.

Nowhere was the low water depth more apparent than coming into Harrisville. The water is pretty thin coming into the harbor (one of our boats hit bottom) and the fuel dock looks like its sitting on stilts. According to the harbormaster, Lake Huron is down 16” over last year.

As soon as all of us docked, out came the hoses and scrub brushes – we wrapped up just in time for cocktails…hmmm there is a pattern here! Had a passable dinner in town – definitely a ‘don’t go back there’ restaurant. Tomorrow we’re off to Presque Ille. Kat and I are having a great time – and all three of us are in boat mode.
Vessel Name: French Connection
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 423
Hailing Port: Catawba Island, Ohio
Crew: Tony & Kat
We started sailing 27 years ago on a 17' boat in Chicago. Once we found out small boats and big lakes don't mix we quickly upgraded to a 30' then progressed through 34, 38 and our most recent acquisition is a 42. [...]

Who: Tony & Kat
Port: Catawba Island, Ohio
NAVIGATION HELP Note the links on right sidebar, you'll see a photo gallery. Click on it and you'll see photos from our trips. If you'd like to see a larger image just click on the photo. Also there's a link to our email. Current Position: Click on the map and it'll show FC's current position along with where we've been. At the lower left you'll see a link to Google Earth, free software that will show a satellite photo of the same map. You'll need to download the free Google application first. Also on the side links you'll see Sam and Dan's links plus individual links to all of the blogs we've written up. Cheers Tony & Kat
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