Log of sv 'French Connection'

15 August 2012
11 August 2012 | Sarnia
10 August 2012
08 August 2012
07 August 2012 | Pt Elgin
03 August 2012
31 July 2012 | Beardrop
30 July 2012
24 July 2012 | Presque Isle, Michigan
22 July 2012 | Harrisville
21 July 2012 | Harbor Beach
21 July 2012 | Sarnia, Ontario
19 July 2012 | Sarnia, Ontario
16 July 2012 | Harsens Island, Michigan
16 July 2012 | Middle Bass & Grosse Isle
28 June 2012 | Catawba Island
31 July 2009 | Catawba Island

Last Days on Huron

11 August 2012 | Sarnia
Tony & Kat
Yesterday - our second day at Bayfield turned nice and sunny so we were able to take in the shops without rain gear and umbrellas. Good thing because we didn't bring umbrellas on the trip.

The good news: both galleries had nothing that intrigued us. Martin did have one Fiona Hoop painting but it was similar to the one over our fireplace. Phew - no dent in the wallet today! Even better, it was so nice that we were able to sit outside for dinner at the Black Dog. The food was awesome - they have really stepped it up in town.

Today it's the last leg of Lake Huron. We had rollers left over from the NNE winds - about 3 footers but they reminded me more of ocean rollers rather than something we'd see on the Great Lakes: widely spaced and no whitecaps. Pretty nice ride! We motor sailed most of the way, again just to balance out the boat and keep the rollers from pushing us back and forth. The wind, finally was as forecast - light and variable.

As we got closer to Sarnia we saw rain clouds both on Sirius Weather and the horizon so we quickly took down the main, buttoned everything down and put on rain gear. FYI - we were doing over 11 Kts under the bridge at cruise rpm. As soon as we passed the buoy to get into Bridgeview, the skies let loose and it poured - I felt bad for the dock hands but then they were properly remunerated. Nice early day we got in at 2:00 and have a bit of time before adult beverages and dinner at Paddy's. Tomorrow will be a little longer since it's 61 miles to Windsor - but then the current will help us.
Vessel Name: French Connection
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 423
Hailing Port: Catawba Island, Ohio
Crew: Tony & Kat
We started sailing 27 years ago on a 17' boat in Chicago. Once we found out small boats and big lakes don't mix we quickly upgraded to a 30' then progressed through 34, 38 and our most recent acquisition is a 42. [...]

Who: Tony & Kat
Port: Catawba Island, Ohio
NAVIGATION HELP Note the links on right sidebar, you'll see a photo gallery. Click on it and you'll see photos from our trips. If you'd like to see a larger image just click on the photo. Also there's a link to our email. Current Position: Click on the map and it'll show FC's current position along with where we've been. At the lower left you'll see a link to Google Earth, free software that will show a satellite photo of the same map. You'll need to download the free Google application first. Also on the side links you'll see Sam and Dan's links plus individual links to all of the blogs we've written up. Cheers Tony & Kat
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