Mid August is Carnival time in Grenada, it is a serious affair which involves various festivities spread of over approximately two weeks.
One of the main events is
J'Ouvert. It is a street party deeply rooted in Grenada's culture and history. Hundreds of people pour to the streets covered in used motor oil, charcoal and paint, dancing to blasting soca music. Masqueraders dressed as devils called Jabs-Jabs (French Creole, from diable diable 'devil devil') parade through the streets of Grenada, together with the Ole Mas who are individuals that present satire and theatre on the events of the past year during the morning.
We decided to partake in this year's festivities. After a 4 am wake up call we joined other cruisers on the bus to town and immersed ourselves in this unique experience. It was fun, fascinating, rather messy and absolutely wonderful madness. Glad we were here for it.
In other news...
Give'r is back in the water (yeay!) and we're getting ready to depart Grenada soon. Our new bow thruster has been installed, unfortunately FedEx lost the box that had the control unit which will delay us a bit...
In addition to boat work we've become part of the local cruising community and its rhythm and various social gatherings.
A local yacht club hosted a J/24 race, and we got to play on one of the boats. Team "Get-R-Done" was assembled the day before racing. We finished 4th out of 11th, which we felt was pretty reasonable for neither one of us having sailed a J/24 before and one of our crew members, Gillian having never raced before. The other crew member, Poppy is here sailing with her husband having crossed from the UK a few months ago. They're sailing together but on separate boats, single handing their respective vessels...
Yesterday was Saturday which is
Hash day, a weekly run/hike which takes place across various locations on the island. A great way to explore the island, get some exercise and socialize a bit as the run is followed by everyone hanging out with beer, BBQ & music.