Successful Canal Transit!!
16 August 2007 | Panama City, Panama

I hate to write quick notes, but we are currently in a super swanky hotel in Panama City, compliments of one of our friends who passed through the canal with us today. He was a friend of Chris and Julie's from New York and was nice enough to put everyone up for the night. Actually his company is footing the bill ("potential yachting clients" is the story).
I'm sitting here sipping a Balboa cerveza, emailing friends and loved ones, and waiting for my ceviche to arrive. Local Latin pop is blaring out of the flat screen hanging on the wall. The canal transit was simply amazing, and I'll simply have to write in more detail later. We have dinner plans in downtown Panama City, which is a vibrant and lively city, so I have to go clean up.
Bottom line is that we transited the entire country through the various locks, lakes, and made it back to the Pacific!! The boat is securely tied to a mooring at the Balboa Yacht club. Tonight we plan on celebrating here in the city with some friends, and then head out to Las Perlas, where a huge fishing tournament is concluding. The islands are supposed to be beautiful too. So, it should be a fun couple days.
The coolest part of the transit was the fact that we were caught on the canal's webcam, and was able our family and friends just before we went through. My Dad emailed back and confirmed that he saw me pass through the Mira Flores lock, in livetime, which was about 6 hours ago!! I may be able to send some footage later.